Agenda item

Verbal updates by Cabinet Members and Corporate Director

To receive verbal updates from the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development.



1.    Mr Hill, OBE (Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services) informed the Committee of his attendance at:


(a)  The Turner Contemporary Exhibition on 26 January 2019 which staged a majority of work from Katie Paterson, paired with a group of works by JMW Turner. Mr Hill commended the exhibition and expressed his delight in regard to the large number of attendees;


(b)  The Kent School Games Cultural Celebration on 3 March 2019 which showcased the artistic talent of young performers in the region. It was the first time that the event had showcased performers across Kent using a feature-length film, opposed to the annual on-stage presentation. Mr Hill commended the films production, its ability to capture the strength and inspirational talent of young performers and agreed (with approval from the Chairman) to bring the shortened version of the film to a future Committee; and


(c)   The Gulbenkian Theatre’s 50th anniversary celebrations where he was invited to speak. Mr Hill said that the theatre and University of Kent continued to be significantly powerful partners with the Kent County Council Arts Unit and was thankful for the opportunity to be part of such an event.



2.    Mr M Dance (Cabinet Member for Economic Development) provided an update to the Committee on the following:


(a)  Mr Dance and the Chairman of the Council had visited a number of successful and inspirational businesses across the county, one of which was primarily an internet drive business and had managed to enhance its revenue over a ten-year period from an income of £1 million a year to £100 million a year. Supplementary to this, Mr Dance in conjunction with the Corporate Director of GET, attended a further meeting with a number of business across Kent to listen to the issues and challenges faced by many organisations. Mr Dance referred to one company in particular, AC Goatham & Son, the UK’s largest producer of apples and pears and which managed 28 farms across Kent. One of the key topics discussed was the issue around the Seasonal Agriculture Workers Scheme and whether Brexit would have an impact on seasonal labour. Mr Dance paid tribute to the representatives of Visit Kent, Locate in Kent and Produced in Kent for their continued support in improving Kent’s economy.


3.    The Cabinet Members and Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  In response to queries regarding the resignation of the Vice-Principle of Hadlow College and how this would impact Kent County Council, Mr Dance acknowledged that when any individual resigns from an organisation there would undoubtedly be a transition period that would bring about change, however, this was yet to be debated. In terms of the audit pathway, Kent County Council were completely separate, there had previously been shared elements of HR and some back-office support, however, this could be subsumed elsewhere.


(b)  Mrs B Cooper (corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport) addressed queries regarding staff contingency plans for Kent County Council and assured Members that all teams across Kent County Council had been tasked with producing a business continuity plan which looked at all possible eventualities as a result of Brexit, the impact of those on the service and ways in which teams could continue to effectively deliver those services after 29 March. Some teams had taken the decision to not have annual leave (particularly Highways Officers) for the April Period and to allow staff to take their leave later on in the year as it would be impractical to have all staff off when running a 24-hour service.


(c)   In response to concerns regarding the public audit mitigation work, Mrs Cooper said that the Kent Resilience Forum, consisting of all category 1 responders across Kent (Blue light services, District and Borough Councils, NHS, Highways England etc.), was responsible for reviewing all potential risks that would be caused by Brexit. This included issues around traffic management, cyber security issues, counter terrorism; and this evidence would be taken from the latest horizon data provided by Her Majesty’s Government and applied to scenarios in Kent. Kent County Council as a participant of the Kent Resilience Forum would then incorporate the findings into risk assessments around staff, annual leave and how best to manage services.


(d)  With regard to whether the Kent Business Rate Retention Pilot would provide funding to Eurotunnel, Mrs Cooper acknowledged Members interests, however, informed the Committee that Kent County Council could not provide an answer.


4.    RESOLVED that the verbal updates be noted, with thanks.