Agenda item

Application TW/19/1343 (KCC/TW/0093/2019) - Replacement processing plant and ancillary office and welfare buildings involving variation of Condition xvii of Permission TW/79/353 and the submission of details pursuant to Conditions iii (b), xiv, xv, xvi, xviii and xxii of Permission TW/79/753 at Stonecastle Farm Quarry, Whetsted Road, Five Oak Green, Tonbridge; Tarmac Ltd


(1)          Representations from the Local Member, Ms S Hamilton had previously been circulated to the Committee. 


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported the receipt of late correspondence requesting that consideration of the application be deferred.  She stated that, having considered these representations, she did not consider that there were any grounds to amend the report or its recommendations. 


(3)       Mr A Chilvers, Mr S Gledhill and Mrs C Mackonochie addressed the Committee in opposition to the application. Mr M Pendock and Mr A Bate (Tarmac Ltd) spoke in reply.


(4)       The Committee decided to amend the lighting condition in order to specify that it would be designed to minimise light spill.  It also added two Informatives. The first of these advised to effectively comply with the condition regarding the requirement to maintain the access road in good order so as to minimise noise and dust impact. The second advised that the applicant should explore the potential for the provision of a 3-phase electric power supply to the plant site to replace the permitted diesel generators and install and use such a power supply as soon as reasonably possible.


(5)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were unanimously agreed as amended in (4) above.


(6)         RESOLVED that:-

(a)          permission be granted to the application subject to conditions, including conditions covering the   re-imposition   of  the conditions   imposed   on   Permission TW/79/753(amendedordeletedas necessary to reflectsubsequent approvalsorwhat is nowpermitted); theratedoutputof theprocessingplantbeingrestrictedtono morethan 20 tonnes per hour; processedmaterialstockpilesbeingrestrictedtono morethan6min height; external lighting being designed to minimise light spill and onlybeingused whennecessaryand asproposed; anew landscape,restorationandaftercareschemefortheplantsite, stockpilingareas,accessroad,siltlagoon and cleanwaterlagoon being submittedtothe County Planning Authorityforapprovalwithin6 monthsof thedateof the permission being given; a 52dBLAeq,1hr, free-fieldnoiselimit foroperationsat the plantsite; a70dB(A)LAeq  1h,  (free  field)  noiselimitforup to8 weeksina yearfor restoration andplant constructionoperations; operations(includingtheuse ofgenerators)beingrestrictedtothe daytime periodonly(i.e. the permittedhoursof use); nouse oftheprocessingplanton Saturdays(unlessagreedbeforehand in writingby the County Planning Authority); mobileplantusedatthesiteemployingwhitenoisereversingalarms (rather thanbleepers); the implementation of thenew Dust AttenuationScheme; theimplementation of theFlood Evacuation Plan; theapplicantseekingtoensurethattheweighbridgeandwelfareoffices arepositioned1.2maboveground level; access/ egresstotheA228fromWhetstedRoadwherebyHGVsleaving the siteturnleftonto Whetsted Roadand left again (alsoWhetsted Road),headingnorthon theA228beforenavigatingon theirfinalrouting atthesouthernendof theEastPeckhamby-pass, andtrafficarrivingat the site turnsright intothe sitefrom Whetsted Road; theexistingareaof scrubatthetipofthecleanwaterlagoonand astrip ofvegetationto the westof theproposeddevelopmentarea notbeing removedunless this takesplaceinaccordancewithan appropriate ecologicalmitigationstrategywhichis firstsubmitted to and approved in writingby the County Planning Authority;  and no wastematerialsbeing imported ontothesite; and


(b)          the applicants be advised by Informative that:


(i)           they should coordinate   silt   and   vegetation   clearance   works   with   the EnvironmentAgencytoensure thatthe flowof wateris maintainedinsurfacewaterchannelswhilstminimisingimpact on biodiversityand maintaining connectivity;


(ii)          they should engage positively with the local community and respond appropriately to any concerns that are raised by local residents about any noise, dust / air quality orotherissues that mayarise once operationsresumeat the quarry;


(iii)         they should continue to engage with the local community through the Stonecastle Farm QuarryLiaison Group;


(iv)         they should effectively with the condition regarding the requirement to maintain the access road in good order so as to minimise noise and dust impact; and


(v)          they should explore the potential for the provision of a 3-phase electric power supply to the plant site to replace the permitted diesel generators and install and use such a power supply as soon as reasonably possible.



Supporting documents: