Agenda item

Proposal SE/19/3123 (KCC/SE/0239/2019) - Erection of single storey activity hall on existing car park and relocation of 11 parking spaces within the site at Riverhead Infants School, Worships Hill, Riverhead, Sevenoaks ; Governors of Riverhead Infants School


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported correspondence from the Local Member, Mr N J D Chard which included a suggestion that a Local Liaison Group be set up to meet on a regular basis in order to improve dialogue between the School and the local community  with an invitation being extended to the local County and Borough Councillors and Members of the two Parish Councils.  The Committee agreed to add an Informative to this effect. 


(2)       Mr Martin Denton addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  Mr Michael Mamalis (GAD Architecture) spoke in reply on behalf of the applicants.


(3)       The Committee decided to strengthen the landscaping condition by specifying that replacement trees should be planted.   It also added an Informative asking the applicants to consider the provision of passive infrastructure, including accessibility to an adequate electrical supply and ducting to enable the installation of electric car charging points.


(4)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were unanimously agreed as amended in (1) and (3) above.


(5)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard 3 year timelimit; the developmentbe carried outin accordance with thepermitteddetails; the submission for approval of details of externalmaterials; measuresto protectexistingtreesduringconstruction,includingthose setoutinthe ArboriculturalMethod and ImpactStatement; the submission for approval of a preliminary   risk   assessment, site   investigation, options appraisaland remediationstrategyanda verificationplanand reportto meet EnvironmentAgencyrequirementsconcerningthe potential forhistoricland contamination andthe protection of controlled waters;  the restriction  of infiltrationof surfacewaterdrainageintothegroundandrestrictionof pilingor any otherfoundationdesignsusingpenetrativemethodstoaddresscommentsraisedby the Environment Agency in respect of  unforeseen  contamination  found  during  development; the submission of a ConstructionManagementPlan; constructionhours being limited to between0800 and 1800 on Mondays toFridaysand0900 to 1300 on Saturdays withno work onSundays or BankHolidays; measuresto control dust during construction; the provisionand permanent retention ofrelocatedvehiclecar parking spaces priorto occupation of the site; the annual review oftheSchool Travel Planvia Jambusters; the submission ofexternal lighting details; the submission  of  details  of  ecological  enhancements  within  6  months  of  works commencing; the submissionof detailsof the proposedlandscapeplanting,  including replacement trees, nativespeciesand those species suitable forbeepollination where appropriate; the submission  of  details  of  the archaeological  field  evaluation  works  specification  and timetableprior to thecommencementof the development; hoursof usefortheproposedhallduringSchooltermtimebeing limited to between 0750 and 1815 on Mondays to Fridays, 0900 to  14000 hours on Saturdays with no use on Sundays or BankHolidays  (except for: access for cleaners and staff  between0630and2000on Mondays to Fridays,  0750 to 2100 on Mondaysto Fridays on nomorethan 12 occasion peryearduring School term time, 0700 to 1800 on Saturdays and 0700 to 1600 on no more than 1 occasion per year during School term time,  0900to1400 on no more than 2 occasions per year during School term time; hours of use outside of the hall outside of School term time being limited to 0900 to 1600 on Mondays to Fridays with no use on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays; and a requirementforthedropoff/pickup loopand allofthe43 parkingspaceswithinthe sitetobe usedinconnectionwith the use oftheactivityhall,includingthebreakfast andafterschoolclubduringschooltermtimeandforthecommunityuse ofthe activityhallduring School Term time and outsideof School Term time; and


(b)       the applicant be advised by Informative :- 


(i)           of advice from the County Council’s Ecology Advice Service concerning the timing of works outside of the bird breeding season;


(ii)          of the need to consult the relevantwatercompanies in respect of the restriction of drainage systems for the infiltration of surface water to the ground;


(iii)         of the advice from Transport Planning that the two spaces accessed off the drop offloop should be allocated so that members of staff are not entering the area unnecessarily; 


(i)           that the School is encouraged as part of the development to consider the provision of passive infrastructure, including accessibility to an adequate electrical supply and ducting, to enable the installation of electric car charging points to be installed when needed; and


(iv)         that the School is requested to establish a Local Liaison Group comprising Members from the two local Parish Councils, representative(s) from the School, the local District Councillor and the local County Councillor to meet on a regular basis in order to improve the dialogue between the School and the local community.  

Supporting documents: