Agenda item

Verbal Update from Cabinet Members


1.    Miss Carey (Cabinet Member for Environment) provided an update on the following:


(a)  Kent County Council’s Approach to Net-Zero


The Net-Zero report had been debated at the County Council meeting on 16 July 2020, however, a report would be presented to members of the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee at its next meeting on 25 September 2020.


(b)  Household Waste Recycling Centre Booking System:


The Household Waste Recycling Centre Booking System had been introduced to help maintain social distancing in line with the government’s guidelines. From 13 July 2020:


·         all centres would be open 7 days a week with an increase in opening hours

·         the number of slots would be increased from 22,000 per week to 32,000 per week which could be viewed a month in advance (rather than the current 9 days)

·         up to 2 booking slots could be booked per household per calendar month (rather than the current limitation of 1 booking per household per 4 weeks)

·         dates and times of bookings could be cancelled or amended on-line and slots could be chosen before entering contact and vehicle details.


Miss Carey acknowledged the desire among some residents for increased access to the sites but said to ensure the safety of staff and visitors social distancing measures would remain in place. The booking system also helped to manage demand and reduce queues at the sites. Miss Carey assured members that site monitoring and resident surveys would continue, however, the feedback to date was positive. Miss Carey commended staff and contractors for the outstanding service they provided.


(c)  Household Waste Recycling Centre at Allington


The Planning Applications Committee unanimously approved plans for the new Household Waste Recycling Centre at Allington which would relieve pressure on the Tovil site.


(d)  Kent’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) management Plan 2020 - 2025


The AONB Management Plan consultation, which had been postponed due to Covid-19, had commenced and was due to run until 7 September 2020. Members would have an opportunity to review and comment on Kent County Council’s response to the draft plan at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 25 September prior to its final publication.


(e)  Kent Biodiversity Strategy


Kent County Council had adopted the Kent Biodiversity Strategy. The newly designed document would be available online from the week commencing 20 July 2020. Miss Carey commended Liz Milne (Natural Environment and Coast Manager) for her work and emphasised the importance of working with partners to deliver Kent’s vision.


(f)   The Climate Change Risk and Impact Assessment for Kent and Medway (CCRIA)


The Climate Change Risk and Impact Assessment for Kent had been finalised and was due to be issued shortly. The CCRIA methodology was based on the methodology applied by government. Miss Carey was pleased to announce that Kent County Council was one of the first Council’s to undertake research of this kind.


(g)  Recovery Plans


The Environment Team continued to work on Kent County Council’s recovery plans to ensure that the green principles were applied throughout all its services.


(h)  Historic England Grant


Historic England had awarded Kent County Council Heritage Conservation a grant of £30,000 to incorporate new records of historical and archaeological sites into the Kent historic environment record.


2.    Mr Payne (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) provided an update on the following:


(a)  Department for Transport (DfT) Emergency Active Travel Scheme


On Friday 26 June, the DfT confirmed that Kent County Council had been successful in its submission to receive £1.6m of funding. Mr Payne thanked officers for their ongoing commitment and their success in achieving the full grant for tranche 1 amid unprecedented challenges. Mr Payne said members would have an opportunity to discuss the matter further under item 16 on the agenda.


(b)  Pothole repairs


Mr Payne noted the ongoing commitment of officers to the achievement of targets and said that 97% of potholes in March 2020 had been repaired within the expected timeframe.


3.    The Cabinet Members and officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  Miss Carey said that whilst social distancing measures were in place, the HWRCs would operate with a reduced admission number, however, this would be reviewed in accordance with changing government guidance. She said the HWRC booking system provided residents with the assurance and opportunity to dispose of their waste in a safe environment.


(b)  In response to whether the HWRC booking system would continue to operate after Covid-19 restrictions had been lifted, Miss Carey said that customer feedback to date had been positive, however, a formal survey was underway to ascertain their views.  


(c)  In response to concerns regarding the 27-acre plot in Ashford that had been acquired by the DfT, Mr Payne said the consultation process with Kent County Council and other external agencies had only commenced in the last week.  KCC had received limited information about the DfT’s intentions prior to the acquisition of the site. It was, however, intended that a detailed report would be presented to the committee in due course.


(d)  In relation to the work that had already commenced at Junction 10A of the M20, Mr Jones (Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste) said the DfT had sought KCC’s help with early enabling works and in getting the site prepared. Mr Jones welcomed the request for an all member briefing.  Members were reminded that this work formed part of Kent’s preparation for transition and that a full report would be brought forward to Council on its progress.


(e)  In response to the queries raised relating to the Maidstone Southern Relief Road, Mr Payne referred to the debate held at the meeting of the County Council on 16 July 2020 and assured members that KCC continued to work collaboratively with Maidstone Borough Council about the way in which information acquired through surveys was disclosed. Mr Payne confirmed that a jointly funded post had been created which would act as the interface between KCC and Maidstone Borough Council. Briefings and consultations had already taken place, however, Mr Payne agreed to consider holding a further briefing primarily for members representing Maidstone.


4.    It was RESOLVED that the verbal updates be noted.