Agenda item

Proposal TH/19/1696 (KCC/TH/0256/2019) -Construction of a new railway station consisting of two platforms connected via an existing underpass (to be refurbished) with stair and lift access and associated infrastructure including vehicle and cycle parking, public announcement system, drainage, security and lighting, landscaping, level crossing upgrade works, and vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access including the creation of a vehicle access onto the A299 Hengist Way with associated highway works and a footway/cycle link to Clive Road at Land to the north and south of the A299 (Hengist Way) and to the east of the A256 (Richborough Way) including an existing railway line and part of the A299, Cliffsend (Thanet Parkway Station); KCC Growth, Environment and Transport



(1)          Mr J Burden informed the Committee that he was a Member of the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership in his capacity as Leader of Gravesham BC.  He had not, however, participated in any discussions of the planning application and was therefore able to approach its determination with an open mind. 


(2)          Ms K Constantine, Mrs R Binks and Mr B Lewis were present as Local Members and spoke.  In addition, Mr P Messenger had indicated his intention to be present.  Due to technical difficulties, he was unable to speak, but the Chairman agreed to accept a question which he was able to ask through the Teams Chat Function.  This was duly responded to by the Head of Planning Applications Group.   


(3)          The Clerk to the meeting read out representations from Mr David Morrish of CPRE Kent as well as the response on behalf of the applicants from Ms Katie Pettit (KCC Principal Transport Planner – Strategy).


(4)          On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried by 8 votes to 5.  The Chairman ruled that although Mr H Rayner was unable to state his vote due to technical difficulties, his intended vote would be counted as set out in the Teams Chat Function as he had clearly been present throughout the entire discussion of the application. 


(5)       RESOLVED that   subject  to   compliance  with   the   agreed   Memorandum  of Understanding:-


(a)         permission be granted to the proposal subject toconditions, includingconditionscoveringthe standard3 yeartime limitfor implementation; thedevelopmentbeing carriedout inaccordance withthe permitteddetails;   thesubmission andapproval ofdetails ofall materials tobe usedexternally prior to thecommencementof theconstructionof thestationand carpark; hesubmission priorto thecommencement ofthe constructionof the stationand carpark ofa detailedschemeof externallightingincludingluxlevelsand lightspilldiagrams and detailsof howthe lightingaims tominimiseimpacts to foragingandcommuting bats; thesubmission ofa biodiversityplandemonstrating biodiversitynet gain; tree retentionand protectionof those trees which are to beretained,includingroot protectionareas; the submissionand approvalof ascheme oflandscaping andtreeplanting priorto the commencement ofthe development(apart fromenabling worksand site clearance),including theprovision ofearly treeplanting ifpossible; implementationof theapproved landscapingscheme inthe firstplanting season followingcompletionof thedevelopment andreplacement ofany trees/plantsthat are damaged/diseased/dead within   5   years   of   the   completion   of the development; the submission for approval bythe County PlanningAuthority of details of any moundingproposed; alltree workbeing undertakenin accordancewith British StandardBS3998:2012 ‘Recommendations forTree Work’; the submissionofdetailsofthepermanentbusshelterfacilitiespriortobus services commencing,and their ongoing retention thereafter; the provisionandpermanentretentionofvehicleparkingspacespriortouseofthe sitecommencing; thesubmissionofdetailsoftheElectricVehicleChargingPointsasindicatedon the applicationdrawings,and their ongoing retention thereafter; the submissionofdetailsofsecure,covered cycleparkingfacilitiesprior touse of thesitecommencing,and their ongoing retention thereafter; the submissionfor approvalwithin6 monthsof the dateof thepermission ofa schemeof accessand constructionworks setting outany pathalignment, surfacing, width andsignage details; thedeliveryof theapprovedPROW worksprior tofirstuse/occupation ofthe development; theimplementation ofthearchaeological schemeof investigation; thesubmission of adetailedSustainable Surface WaterDrainageSchemeprior to thecommencementof thedevelopment (worksonthe mainstation andcar park); thesubmission ofa verificationreport pertainingto theapprovedSuDs scheme priorto firstoccupation/useof thedevelopment; controloverthe infiltrationof surfacewater into the ground; restrictionson pilingandother foundationdesignsusing penetrativemethods; the submission prior tocommencement ofthe development ofa remediation strategyto dealwith the risksassociatedwith land contamination(works onthe main stationand carpark); the   submissionprior tofirst use ofthe development ofa verificationreport regardingthe remediationstrategy; development ceasing should contaminationnot previouslyidentifiedbe found tobe present atthesite; the installationof the2.4 metre highacoustic barriersto the rearof theplatformsprior to firstuse ofthedevelopment; thesubmission forapprovalof aConstruction EnvironmentalManagementPlan priorto thecommencementof phasesB, C& D,including detailsregarding the protectionofbats, reptiles,badgers,hedgehogs andbreedingbirds, mitigation measuresrequired toprotectthe amenityof the localityfrom adversenoise anddust arising fromconstruction,measures toensure thatthe localhighwaynetworkwould not  be  adversely  affected  by  construction  activities,  hours  of  working,  details regardingcontractor liaisonwith thelocal communityand the provisionof detailsof site personnelforlocal residentsto contact should matters arise; and



(b)          the applicants be advisedby Informative that:-


(i)            they areencouragedto considerthe provisionof asuitableall movements accessin thefuture shouldfurther funding/landbecome available;


(ii)          they should giveconsideration tothe inclusionof canopystructureswithin the carpark whichcould incorporate anarray ofsolarpanels. Suchdevelopment would needto besubject toa separatedetailed planningapplication;


(iii)          their attentionis drawntothe adviceand guidanceprovided bySouthern Water with regardto protectionof apparatus,sustainable drainage,foul and surface water drainage,petrol interceptorsand landdrainage. Theletters containingthis advice wouldbe attachedto thedecision notice; and


(iv)         they are encouragedto explorethe potentialto incorporatepublic artinto the development. Inaddition todialogue withBritish Transport Police,the applicantand NetworkRail areencouraged tohave furtherdialogue withthe Designing OutCrime Officerat Kent Police;


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