Agenda item

Verbal Updates by Cabinet Member and Corporate Director


1.    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Mrs Clair Bell, gave a verbal update on the following:


Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Public Report on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (Dols) in Kent - Mrs Bell had written to the Ombudsman on 11 October 2021 advising that the Council would not be complying with all of the recommendations. The Council had received a response from the Assistant Ombudsman confirming that the outcome had been recorded ‘remedy not complete but satisfied’ and this had ended their involvement.


Carer Strategy Online Workshops – Mrs Bell said engagement workshops for the development of the draft Carers Strategy had taken place and Members were advised that the final online workshop would take place on 2 December 2021.


Romney Marsh Community Hub - Mrs Bell visited the Romney Marsh Community Hub in New Romney on 21 October 2021 along with local Member Mr Hills and the Vice-Chairman of the Council, Ms Game. The service had supported the local community throughout the pandemic and continued to provide, in partnership with several organisations, opportunities for the over 50s to participate in a variety of activities to aid health and wellbeing.


Mental Health Wellbeing Awards - Mrs Bell attended the Mental Health Wellbeing Awards on 22 October 2021 along with Dr Allison Duggal, Interim Director of Public Health. The event included many nominations and winners who had lived experience of mental health.


Empowercare Empowercare, an EU funded project with 13 partners across 4 countries, was currently running a pilot to test various technology schemes and the training of volunteer digital ambassadors to provide support. The project was supported by Canterbury Christ Church University and on 8 November 2021 the Council hosted the annual partnership event.


Virtual Dementia Tour Bus Experience - Mrs Bell took part in the experience, which visited Maidstone on Tuesday 9 November 2021. The experience included practical tips on what could be done to help people living with dementia. Mrs Bell said further dates in Maidstone had been scheduled for 2022 and she would provide information on the Alzheimer’s Society initiative, Dementia Friends Information Session, for those who were interested.


2.    The Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health, Mr Richard Smith, then gave a verbal update on the following:


Future Events with Care Providers - Mr Smith said there would be a round table event on 9 December 2021 with care providers and the Council’s senior leaders regarding the immediate response to challenges over the Christmas period. A Care Summit event in March 2022 would bring together national and local leaders in the care sector and would cover a medium to long term approach on how the care market could be supported in a more sustainable way.


Adult Social Care Reform White Paper – Mr Smith said this was an important milestone and the operational team were considering the Council’s responses.


Operational Staff Update - Mr Smith said Ms Julie Davidson was leaving the Council after several years and recognised her invaluable contribution to the Making a Difference Every Day strategy (MADE) and her support as Principal Social Worker. Mr Carl Griffiths, Interim Senior Responsible Officer for MADE was also leaving and his role would be filled by Ms Helen Gillivan, Head of Business Development. Mr Smith said Mr James Beale had been appointed as Director for East Kent and would be joining the team in February along with Dr Anjan Ghosh who had been appointed to the permanent role of Director of Public Health. Ms Jenny Anderton would provide interim leadership support to East Kent to ensure continuity and stability.


3.    It was RESOLVED that the verbal updates be noted.


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