Agenda item

Application TM/21/42 (KCC/TM/0289/2020)- Section 73 application to vary conditions 9 & 10 of Annex A2 of Permission TM/10/2029 (as amended by Permission TM/17/131) to amend the number and timing of HGV movements associated with ongoing operations at Hermitage Quarry, Hermitage Lane, Aylesford: Gallagher Aggregates Ltd


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group advised that since the report was drafted, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council (TMBC) had decided to amend the timetable in its Local Development Scheme, which would delay the review of its Local Plan by a few months.  This would enable it to put the necessary staffing resources in place and to have regard to emerging planning reforms which could lead to reduced housing provision in the new Local Plan.  It had also enabled extra time for its current call for sites exercise (8 weeks rather than 4).  However, whilst this could have implications for the relevance of the development strategy (e.g. strategic housing sites), she advised that it had no bearing on the recommendation nor the case put forward which had arrived at it.  The Head of Planning Applications Group advised that the officer report made it clear that no weight was given to the draft TMBC Local Plan and that all of the housing referred to in paragraph 15 of the report in Tonbridge and Malling as being in the draft Local Plan was either subject to planning permission (including that which provided the new road link to the A20 roundabout), to resolution to permit subject to a Section 106 Agreement or had been refused.  The Head of Planning Applications Group advised that it followed that if housing numbers were reduced in the new TMBC Local Plan, there might be less pressure in terms of vehicle movements on Hermitage Lane than had been assumed in the application since it assumed a worst case in terms of vehicle movements with all of the sites in the withdrawn draft TMBC Local Plan coming forward.


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group asked the Committee to amend the wording of the first sentence of paragraph 81 of the report to read: “KCC Highways and Transportation has advised that a £50,000 contribution towards a new (but currently not fully funded) footway / cycleway on Hermitage Lane is necessary in order for the proposed 100 HGV movements in each of the one hour periods between 06:30 and 09:30 hours to be acceptable.”


(3)       Mr H Rayner informed the Committee that the Local Member, Mr A Kennedy had written to him to say that he had no objection to the proposal.


(4)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were unanimously agreed.


(5)       RESOLVED that permission be granted for the proposed development subject to the prior satisfactory completion of a legal agreement to secure the Heads of Terms set out in Appendix 1 of the report and to Conditions and Informatives as set out below:-


(a)       Conditions 9, 10 and 11 of Annex A2 of planning permission TM/10/2029 (as amended by planning permission TM/17/131) being worded as follows:


(9)      Within any single calendar month the average number of HGVs entering or leaving the site on weekdays (excluding Bank / Public Holidays) shall not exceed a combined total of 800 movements. No more than a combined total of 900 HGV movements in the form of entering or leaving the site shall take place on any single weekday. No more than a combined total of 500 HGV movements in the form of entering or leaving the site shall take place on any Saturday. No HGV movements shall take place on Saturdays after 13:00 hours nor at any time on Sundays or Bank / Public Holidays.


 (10)    During the morning peak period of 06:30 to 09:30 hours (Monday to Friday), the maximum number of HGVs entering and leaving the site shall not exceed a combined total of 250 movements of which:-


 (a)      No more than 75 movements shall take place between 08:00 and 09:00 hours; and



(b)       No more than 100 movements shall take place between 06:30 and 07:30 hours, between 07:30 and 08:30 hours and between 08:30 and 09:30 hours.


 In addition to these restrictions:-


 (c)      Only HGVs pre-loaded at the site the previous working day shall leave the site between 06:30 and 07:00 hours and no other operations shall take place until 07:00 hours Monday to Saturday;


(d)       No more than a combined total of 75 HGV movements shall take place between 16:00 and 18:00 hours (Monday to Friday); and (e) No more than more than 100 movements shall take place between 06:30 and 07:30 hours, between 07:30 and 08:30 hours and between 08:30 and 09:30 hours on Saturdays.


(11)     Unless otherwise approved beforehand in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority, HGV movement monitoring shall be undertaken in accordance with the report titled “HGV Monitoring Scheme for Hermitage Quarry” (Ref: GAL-HQ-0617-R04 Rev A) dated October 2021 and the results provided to the Mineral Planning Authority each month in the format shown in Figure 8 titled “Hermitage Quarry Monthly HGV Movements Report.”


(b)       all other conditions in Annexes A1, A2, A3 and A4 of Permission TM/10/2029 (as amended by Permission TM/17/131) being replicated or updated as necessary to reflect the amendments or details approved pursuant to the permission(s) since Permission TM/10/2029 was granted by the Secretary of State on 11 July 2013; and


(c)      Informatives relating to the following: The applicant being advised of the need to maintain the existing arrangements to slow drivers using the private access road into Hermitage Quarry from Hermitage Lane and warn them that pedestrians may be crossing the access road on Footpath MR488.

Supporting documents: