Agenda item

Verbal updates by Cabinet Member and Director


1)    Mr Watkins, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, gave a verbal update on the following:

a)    Kent’s Public Health Champions – Mr Watkins said that 130 people working for Kent councils, schools and charities acted as public health champions who inspired others to look after their health and wellbeing and spread the word of local support available to residents. It was said that these champions organised community activities, attended local events to raise awareness and signpost people to specialist support. It was noted that all champions gain nationally recognised Royal Society of Public Health qualifications, with 40 qualifying every year. Mr Watkins congratulated 18 people who completed their qualifications recently.  

b)    National Walking Month – Mr Watkins noted that May marked National Walking Month and the public was being encouraged to join the national celebration to boost fitness and wellbeing. It was said that Active Kent and Medway had a Travel Your Way challenge to walk every day and One You Kent organised large group walks.    

c)    Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccinations – Mr Wakins said that additional catch-up clinics had been announced where under-19s could catch up on their MMR vaccines. It was noted there had been a rise in cases of measles which could lead to serious illness but 99% preventable through two doses of the vaccine. 

2)    Dr Anjan Ghosh, Director for Public Health, provided a verbal update on the following:

a)    Measles Update -  measles infections continued to rise nationally with an increase of cases in the Southeast. There had been several probable cases in Kent but no confirmed cases. 

b)    Pertussis / Whooping Cough - there was an increase across England following a prolonged period of low cases. The trend was for a seasonal variation in cases every two-to-three years but the recent uptick was larger than usual, potentially due to a steady decline in the uptake of vaccinations for pregnant women and young children. The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and KCC communications were distributing messages to urge parents and carers to check their children’s vaccination status and to respond to invites from the NHS or book appointments with their GP practice. 

c)    Kent and Medway Better Health and Wellbeing Community Fund – 98 applications had been received for the £90,000 fund. A brochure on all grants awarded would be published in early June.  

d)    Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Programme - a further award had been received at the National Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards Ceremony in the category of suicide prevention services. Dr Ghosh thanked all of those who worked and supported the programme.  

e)    Family Hubs Update – the programme was in its third year and plans for future sustainability were in development to embed and expand a new model beyond year 3. Two public consultations on key strategies had been completed and were in the process of being finalised. 

f)     Mental Health Awareness Week – this year’s theme was about raising awareness for how good physical activity was for the body and mind. 

g)    Healthy Alliances – progress was being made with district and borough partners on developing the alliances. 

h)    Research and Innovation Hub – it had recently been agreed with the Corporate Management Team to set up a governance structure to underpin all research in the Council. It was noted that much inward investment was being received for public health research. 

i)     Gypsy, Roma Traveller (GRT) Community – a learning network had been convened with 25 participants and a project plan was in place for the first step of engagement with communities.  

j)     Collaboration with Adult Social Care – progress was being made in changing the shape of demand and providing care to residents closer to their homes and in the community. Dr Ghosh noted that this would come to the committee at an appropriate time. 

3)    In response to comments and questions, it was said: 

a)    Dr Ghosh reassured a Member that the grants would be directed at the communities and areas that needed them most. 

b)    It was said there was a deep involvement with districts in countering anti-vax misinformation. There was ongoing targeting of the Primary Care Networks where vaccine uptake was below 85%.  

c)    Dr Ghosh said a dedicated team were working on engagement with the GRT community and information on how the 25 participants were identified could be shared after the meeting. 

d)    On how success could be measured for suicide prevention strategies, it was said that there had been success in attaining real-time information which could be shared, an approach pioneered by Kent. Progress was being made but there were many challenges ahead. More data could be shared outside the meeting. 

RESOLVED that the updates be noted.