Agenda item

Enforcement by Motorcycle Patrols - One Year Pilot Scheme


(1)       The 12 Kent District Councils were responsible for the practical application of parking policy within a framework set by the County Council.  The requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the associated Network Management Duties had placed a responsibility on KCC as the Highway Authority to provide a more efficient and economic civil enforcement package. There was an expectation that local authorities would provide a universal level of enforcement across the highway network with a concentrated presence in areas of increased risk, such as school sites.


(2)       There was a general concern that vehicles parked outside schools on legally enforceable school keep clear markings were causing a potential safety issue in many parts of the County.


(3)       Traditional enforcement patrols consisted of one Civil Enforcement Officer in a van. To regularly enforce school keep clear markings, the patrol must negotiate town centre traffic during the two busiest times of the working day, resulting in the possibility of only one school receiving enforcement per day. As an example, Thanet District contains 54 school keep clear markings and effectively, a regular patrol might take upward of eight weeks to complete an enforcement circuit of the District.


(4)       Although the possibility remained of using more than one enforcement patrol to visit the schools, this had serious repercussions on the enforcement of the remainder of the District on a day-to-day basis.


(5)       There was also a concern that more rural areas and those locations where there were few waiting restrictions were not being enforced as rigorously as other localities and that illegal parking might cause safety issues. Although the sites were included within regular enforcement beats, they were often not enforced as frequently as the busier town centre and residential areas.  


(6)            There were often telephone calls received from members of the general public reporting illegal and unsafe parking both at school sites and in more remote locations. If an enforcement officer was despatched, the vehicle had more often moved on by the time the patrol was able to reach the location.


(7)       Kent County Council officers had agreed to operate a one-year motorcycle enforcement pilot scheme in partnership with Thanet District Council to provide high level enforcement at all schools within their District along with a rapid response to more remote locations. The scheme would commence, following a publicity campaign to local schools, on 1 April 2009.  The pilot scheme would be closely monitored in order that all results could be analysed at the end of the 12 month period.


(8)       Kent County Council was to provide funding of approximately £40k to purchase one motorcycle, one staff member, all equipment and full training. Thanet District Council would provide all insurance costs, vehicle running costs and maintenance. They would employ the necessary staff member under their terms and conditions for a 1 year period.


(9)       Similar motorcycle enforcement schemes elsewhere in England had been successful in reducing the problems caused by inconsiderate parking outside schools and in more remote locations.


(10)            Patrols by motorcycle would significantly increase enforcement outside schools during opening and closing hours and reduce the risks of accidents. There would also be a highly visible enforcement presence at the areas of increased risk.


(11)            There would be an increase in a rapid response service to enforce more remote and rural areas, especially during those times of the day when congestion occurred within town centres making it difficult for a conventional patrol to reach the sites.


(12)            As a consequence of the highly visible, reactive service there should be a resulting increase in positive publicity and public confidence, and fewer accidents.


(13)            The Board:-


(a)    supported the pilot scheme in principle; and


(b)    recommended that the Cabinet Member review the situation at the end of the 12 month period.


Supporting documents: