Agenda item

Circular Roads 1/2006 Setting Local Speed Limits, Update


(1)        The latest results of the work carried out by Jacobs UK on the speed limit review were set out in the report.  This was the latest in a series of HAB reports on the speed limit review. It set out the funding implications for the implementation of the demonstration project; gave details of the communication process with the parish council and others on the demonstration area; set out the recommendations of the review of phase 1; and gave details of the programme for the completion of the review. 


(2)          The estimated cost of the recommended changes in the demonstration area was £225,621. This covered the signing and lining required to make the limits enforceable and clear to drivers whilst seeking to reduce clutter wherever possible. A detailed breakdown of the costs was set out in Appendix 1 of the report.


(3)          In May 2008 presentations were given to the parish councils in the demonstration area. The presentations included an opening address by Keith Ferrin and he was followed by presentations from Jacobs on how the speed limits were considered; the Kent Police Traffic Unit gave their position; and John Wilson, who had represented all of the parish councils in the demonstration area. In addition to the presentations copies of the Jacobs report were provided and the parish councils were invited to comment on the reports recommendations. Subsequently a number of comments were received along with letters from individual residents, a local Councillor and action groups. The review team, the Kent Traffic Police and John Wilson, reconsidered the comments. A further report was then produced and circulated to all those who wrote to the council giving details of any subsequent changes or giving detailed explanation on why further changes could not be included.


(4)        The review on Phase 1 was now complete and a draft report had been prepared.  It covered 11 “A” class roads and 9 “B” class roads (a complete list of roads was set out in Appendix 2 of the report), and 109 parish councils (a complete list of councils was set out in Appendix 3 of the report). The report recommended reductions to 40 speed limits and increased to 13 which represented changes to 19.18% of the total of 267km of road covered within the phase 1 area.


(5)         During discussion Caroline Bruce undertook to provide Members with details of the above changes, following the meeting.


(6)         The programme for the completion of the review of the A and B road network was as follows:-


Financial year



Implement demonstration project

Detailed design & communication Phase 1

Review Phase 2


Monitor demonstration project

Implement Phase 1

Detailed design & communication Phase 2

Review Phase 3


Monitor Phase 1

Implement Phase 2

Detailed design & communication Phase 3


Monitor Phase 2

Implement Phase 3


Monitor Phase 3



(7)         Local communication with Parish Councils in the demonstration area had been through John Wilson of East Farleigh PC who had agreed to act for all of the councils within the demonstration area. His role was to reassure the Parish Councils within the area that the county councils approach was robust and fully in line with the Government’s guidance. With the review of Phase 1. John Wilson had now been joined by volunteers from three parish councils within the phase 1 area who were now acting in a similar role.


(8)         At present there was insufficient time and funding to also consider “C” and unclassified roads across the county, however, such roads could not be completely ignored. So where a crash analysis indicated that a lower limit was wholly or partly the measure required to reduce crashes, then a crash remedial report could be produced and funding for that scheme provided through the small improvement’s budget, its priority being set by PIPKIN.


(9)     Subject to the Board receiving the information referred to in paragraph (5) above, the Board supported the proposals for recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste that:-


(a)    the funding of the demonstration area next year 2009/10 be agreed;


(b)     the continuation of the programme of the speed limit review be agreed; and


(c)    the recommendations of the phase 1 report be noted and supported.




Adverse Weather Conditions


The Chairman undertook to circulate the following to the staff of Kent Highways Services, on behalf of Board Members:-


“At the meeting of the Highways Advisory Board on 6 January the Members requested that I should record the Board’s appreciation of the exceptional work done by staff of KHS during the current period of cold weather.


They are aware that the outdoor staff have endured very cold conditions at inconvenient times and the indoor staff have willingly provided back-up whilst continuing to perform their normal duties.”




Supporting documents: