Issue - decisions

13/00002 - Expansion of Bromstone Primary School, Broadstairs

25/06/2013 - 13/00002 - Expansion of Bromstone Primary School, Broadstairs

Update June 2015


Decisions taken to expand or build schools are necessarily dependent on planning permission being sought and granted.  On this occasion planning consent could not be obtained.  Officers acting under the Council’s Scheme of executive delegation are authorised to undertake any action necessary to bring about the conclusion of the decision – normally implementation, but in this case, it is necessary to issue a revocation notice.

Under the aforementioned scheme officers are obligated to keep the Cabinet Member and local members informed of any actions undertaken.  Mr Gough and Mr Terry, Cabinet Member and Local Member respectively have been informed that the decision cannot be implemented in light of the failure to obtain planning permission and support the issue of a revocation notice.

The Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform has agreed to

(i) Issue a Statutory Public Notice to expand Bromstone Primary School, Broadstairs      

and, Subject to no objections being received to the public notice

(ii) expand the school

Should objections be received during the notice period a separate decision will be required in order to continue the proposal and expand the school