Issue - decisions

Aspen I Unit, Dover - proposed expansion by satellite

11/06/2014 - Aspen I Unit, Dover - proposed expansion by satellite

The Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform has agreed to:


Expand the Aspen I Provision by creating a satellite of the provision in Aylesham Primary School with effect from 1 September 2014


Reason(s) for decision:

There is growing pressure in Dover for specialist places to meet the needs of primary aged children who have Profound, Severe and Complex Needs (PSCN).  Kent’s Strategy for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aims to address, amongst other things, gaps in provision.  Therefore the Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent (2013-18) sets out the intention to commission 12 additional places for pupils with PSCN via Dover based provision.


In reaching this decision I have taken into account:

  • the views expressed by those attending the public consultation meeting on 1 May, and those put in writing in response to the consultation;
  • the views of the local County Councillors; Headteachers and Governing Bodies of Whitfield Aspen School and Aylesham Primary School;
  • the Equalities Impact Assessment and comments received regarding this; and
  • the views of the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee which are set out below

Financial Implications

a.         Capital – There are no capital costs involved in this project as Aylesham Primary School has sufficient capacity to accommodate the satellite provision.  

b.         Revenue - The school will receive increased funding through the Delegated Budget as follows:-

Pupil growth money:  Special Needs Provisions are funded using the DfE Place Plus funding methodology for High Needs Pupils.  For September 2014 the Local Authority has agreed to purchase an additional 12 places at the Aspen I Provision

c.         Human – Whitfield Aspen School will appoint additional teachers and support staff in the Aylesham satellite as the satellite fills.