Issue - decisions

13/00036 & 13/00037 - Regional Growth Fund Scheme - Expansion East Kent & TIGER - Approval of Panel Recommendations

05/05/2015 - Regional Growth Fund Scheme - Expansion East Kent & TIGER - Approval of Panel Recommendations



Date: 5 May 2015

No: 15/00036

Decision 2 of 2 – Approval of North Kent Approval Panel recommendations:


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development has agreed to implement the recommendation of the North Kent Approval Panel and confirm the making of a loan to the Company set out in the exempt report, subject to the conditions also contained therein, of £1,025,750 from the TIGER Fund.


27/04/2015 - Regional Growth Fund Scheme s- Expansion East Kent and TIGER - Approval of Panel Recommendations


Date: 27 April 2015

No: 15/00037

Decision 1 of 2 – Approval of Expansion East Kent Independent Advisory Board recommendations:


The Leader & Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Audit and Transformation has agreed to implement the recommendation of the Investment Advisory Board (IAB) for the Expansion East Kent fund and approve the loan and grant of £1,311,000 to the company as set out in both the cover and the exempt reports.