Issue - decisions

20/00020 - Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied by Kent County Council for Children's Social Care Services in 2020-21

24/03/2020 - 20/00020 - Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied by Kent County Council for Children's Social Care Services in 2020-21

The Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services agrees to:


(i)        AGREE the proposed changes to the rates payable and charges levied for Children’s Services in 2020-21 as detailed in section 2 of this report;


(ii)       AGREE the proposed changes to the Kent Fostering Payment Policy in 202-21 as detailed in section 3 of this report including changes to the Parent & Child Payment Policy;


(iii)      NOTE both the changes to the rates that are set by the Government/external agencies: Inter-agency charges and Essential Living Allowance and; any charges to other Local Authorities for use of in-house respite residential beds are to be calculated on a full cost recovery basis; and


(iv)      DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision