Issue - decisions

20/00064 - Local Growth Fund & Developer Funded Scheme - A2/A251 Junction Improvement Scheme

30/07/2020 - 20/00064 - Local Growth Fund & Developer Funded Scheme - A2/A251 Junction Improvement Scheme

As Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport I approve the progression, via KCC’s Local Growth Fund arrangements, for the A2/A251 Junction Improvement Scheme; allowing it to progress to the next stages of development and delivery.


Specifically this comprises approval for:


i)     KCC to act as the accountable body for the project;

ii)    KCC to enter into a Local Growth Fund (LGF) funding agreement;

iii)   KCC to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme;

iv)   KCC to progress with the necessary land acquisitions required to deliver the scheme;

v)    KCC to carry out public engagement on the scheme;

vi)   KCC to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme

vii)  The Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport, under the Officer Scheme of Delegations and in consultation with the Corporate Director for Finance and Procurement, to enter into relevant legal agreements and take other actions necessary to implement this decision.