Issue - decisions

23/00013 - No Use Empty (NUE) update and continuation of the initiative

15/03/2023 - 23/00013 - No Use Empty (NUE) update and continuation of the initiative

As Cabinet Member for Economic Development, I agree to support:


a) the continuation of the NUE initiative to at least 2027-28 with a further update to be provided at that time;


b) how NUE is funded and seek the agreement of the Section 151 Officer or the Cabinet Member for Finance as appropriate for approval to spend; and


c) for authority to be delegated to the Director of Growth and Communities to take appropriate actions including, but not limited to, KCC entering into legal agreements (loan agreements, legal charges, personal guarantees, equity loans, joint ventures, deed of priority, deed of postponement), consider and approve requests which may require KCC consent and discharge of legal charges, recovery of loans through legal action, as necessary to implement this decision.