Issue - decisions

23/00109 - Finance monitoring report 2023-24

30/11/2023 - 23/00109 - Finance monitoring report 2023-24

Cabinet agree to:


(a)  consider and note the Council’s updated financial position and savings and management action to address the in year overspend,


(b)  approve the Capital budget adjustments detailed in section 14 of the budget monitoring report


(c)  approve the procurement of external support via a PCR Compliant Neutral Vendor Framework funded from budget recovery reserve, to help deliver service transformation and cost reductions that address the structural deficits in adult social care and children’s services in the medium term.


(d)  in relation to (c) delegate authority to the s151 Officer to, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, negotiate, finalise and enter into relevant contracts to implement the required contract award; and


(e)  delegate authority to the s151 Officer to take other actions, including but not limited to entering into contracts or other legal agreements, as required to implement the decision in line with the actions and arrangements set out in the decision documentation.