Issue - decisions

24/00014 - Signing of Memorandum of Understanding as prerequisite to access to funding to deliver a nutrient neutrality strategy in East Kent

27/03/2024 - 24/00014 - Signing of Memorandum of Understanding as prerequisite to access to funding to deliver a nutrient neutrality strategy in East Kent

As Cabinet Member for Economic Development, I agree to:


(i)       AGREE to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to accept £9.8m capital and Memorandums of Understanding for supporting revenue funding from DLUHC to support nutrient neutrality mitigation works in East Kent.


(ii)       DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, and Corporate Director of Finance, to review and agree to the required terms and conditions to enter into the necessary grant arrangements.


(iii)      AGREE for the Director for Growth and Communities to bring a strategy for delivery of nutrient neutrality for adoption to Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee prior to claiming the capital funding.