Cabinet is asked to:
- note the revenue and capital forecast outturn position, savings monitoring and reserves monitoring
- approve any additional management actions required
- note and agree revenue and capital cash limit changes
Reason for the decision
Quarterly reports are presented which identify any management action required and recommendations for Cabinet decision.
The report on the Council’s latest financial position will be reported to Cabinet on 26/09/24, and shows a forecast overspend of £16,344.9 excluding Schools’ Delegated Budgets. The forecast overspend presents a serious and significant risk to the Council’s financial sustainability if it is not addressed as a matter of urgency particularly as the approved budget for 2024-25 did not include any contingency provision meaning any residue overspend can only be offset from reserves. The report identifies the latest progress on savings compared to the original plan, any undeliverable savings are already reflected in the forecast. The most significant overspends are in Adult Social Care, and Growth, Environment & Transport Directorates, due to a combination of unachievable savings and unplanned spending increases.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
- The Council has already continued the spending controls introduced in 2023-24 into 2024-25 aimed at curtailing non committed spend, any further extension of spending controls is likely to impact on the Council’s ability to fulfil its statutory responsibilities.
- All options to reduce spend both one off and recurring are being considered to bring the 2024-25 budget back into balance.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future
Securing Kent’s Future (SKF) acknowledges that given the significance of adults and children’s social care within the council’s budget, and that spending growth pressures on the council’s budget overwhelming (but not exclusively) come from social care, that the priority of delivering New Models of Care and Support must take precedence over the other priorities in Framing Kent’s Future. This creates an expectation that council services across all directorates must collectively prioritise delivering the new models of care and support objective as a collective enterprise.
The Finance Monitoring report for June 2024-25 provides the detail of the latest financial position and the relevant information on the progress being made in terms of the savings and management actions to reduce the budget gap for the following year and the MTFP.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 04/10/2024
The Cabinet agree to:
a) note the forecast revenue overspend of £16.3m (excluding Schools’ Delegated Budgets)
b) Note the forecast overspend on Schools’ Delegated Budgets of £23.1m
c) Note the forecast capital underspend of £55.4m
d) Consider and note the progress on delivery of savings
e) Note and agree the Revenue budget changes
f) Note and agree the Capital budget changes
g) Note the Reserves Monitoring
h) Note the Prudential Indicators Monitoring
Division affected: (All Division);
Lead officer: Cath Head
Proposed decision
To extend current household waste recycling centre and waste transfer station operation, management and haulage contracts in Mid, East and West Kent (SC18031 and SC18031 WK) for a period of 18-months.
Reason for the decision
The current contracts are due to expire in October 2025. New contracts are being procured and need to be in place when contracts expired to continue this statutory service.
KCC is a Waste Disposal Authority and has a statutory responsibility to arrange for the disposal of waste collected within is administrative area. Further it must provide places for residents to deposit household waste. These services are currently contract to FCC and CSKL.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
To keep to the original mobilisation period of 6-months. This was rejected due to the increased price implications to KCC.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
Priority 3 – Environmental Step Change - Continue to work with our commissioning partners to create the infrastructure and jobs that enable us to reprocess waste materials and produce energy within the county, in order to maintain a closed loop local economy
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
Objective 2: Delivering savings from identified opportunity areas to set a sustainable 2024/25 budget and MTFP: Contract Review
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Environment
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 23/09/2024
As Cabinet Member for Environment I agree to:
(i) APPROVE the use of an 18-month extension for the current household waste recycling centre and waste transfer station operation, management, and haulage contracts in Mid, East, and West Kent (SC18031 and SC18031 WK) on the current terms and conditions; and
(ii) DELEGATE authority to the Director of Environment and Circular Economy to take all relevant actions, including but not limited to, negotiating, finalising and awarding the required contracts and other legal agreements, as necessary to implement the decision.
Lead officer: Matthew Smyth