Cabinet Member decisions

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
24/00105 - In-House Provision of Children's Residential Homes ref: 294105/02/202513/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00113 - Carers' Support Services ref: 294031/01/202508/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00115 - Adoption of the Integrated Care Strategy Delivery Plan ref: 293930/01/202507/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00096 - Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2025-29 ref: 293730/01/202507/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00108 - Finance Monitoring Report ref: 293630/01/202507/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00109 - Decision to transfer the 18-25 section of the Strengthening Independence Service (SIS) from the Children Young People and Education directorate to the Adult Social Care and Health directorate from April 2025 ref: 293830/01/202507/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00116 - The future of library provision in Folkestone town centre ref: 293429/01/202506/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00104 - External Grant Funding Acceptance by Kent County Council on behalf of Active Kent & Medway ref: 293329/01/202506/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00122 - Awarding of Local Nutrient Mitigation Funding to Local Planning Authorities for the delivery of mitigation schemes for Nutrient Neutrality in the Stour catchment ref: 293229/01/202506/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00110 - Kent County Council Vehicle Parking Standards ref: 293529/01/202506/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00114 - Adoption of the revision of the Kent County Council Environment Policy ref: 293124/01/202501/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00091 - Formal Lease for an Electricity Sub Station at Teynham Parochial Church of England Primary School, near Sittingbourne. ref: 293024/01/202501/02/2025Call-in expired
24/00123 - Kent BSIP & BSOG Funding: 2025/26 ref: 292723/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
24/00125 - Kent County Council agreement to sign Kent Countryside Management Partnerships Memorandums of Agreement ref: 292923/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
24/00111 - Adoption of the Network Management Plan ref: 292623/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
24/00103 - Governance Arrangements for Growing Places Funding ref: 292523/01/202531/01/2025Call-in expired
24/00093 - Future of Commissioned Services at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs ref: 292417/01/202525/01/2025Call-in expired