Cabinet Member decisions

Decisions published

03/09/2021 - 21/00074 - To fund a Volunteering Infrastructure pilot and Strategic Recovery Fund to support the Voluntary sector over the next 12 months ref: 2515    For Determination

To fund support to the Voluntary Sector over the next 12 months until the adoption of KCC’s Civil Society Strategy in December, which will set out the framework for our longer-term infrastructure support.


As set out in the Cabinet Report 24th June. This funding is intended to provide support to the Voluntary Sector over the next 12 months until the adoption of KCC’s Civil Society Strategy in December, which will set out the framework for our longer-term infrastructure support. 


The Council’s Interim Strategic Plan (ISP) set out our commitment to meeting the challenges identified during Recovery and to:

Develop a support offer for the VCSE which responds to the challenges identified during COVID-19 recovery to help maintain the local VCSE network whilst supporting it to be sustainable and revitalised within a post COVID-19 environment.


There are two elements to this funding:


The Strategic Recovery Fund was run in 2020 as emergency support to the Voluntary Sector providing small grants to organisations to help them adapt their business plans and organisational model to meet the demands of Covid.

This Fund was run by Kent Community Foundation (KCF) as a recognised, grant making organisation. It is proposed to run this fund again with KCF for 2021 given the success of the Fund and as result of the challenges voluntary organisations are now facing particularly with the ending of Covid emergency grants and an increase in demand for services. Organisations have also had to adapt to the use of digital platforms and remote working. The impact monitoring provided by this Fund, for both rounds will be used to inform our future, long term business support to the Voluntary Sector. Total Value: £330K.


Volunteering infrastructure Pilot.

The need for a well-resourced and co-ordinated volunteering network across the County was highlighted in the VCS Recovery Cell action plan developed in response to Covid as part of the Kent Resilience Forum Architecture. The Volunteer Centres provided advice and support to hubs supporting those that are shielding, whilst continuing to co-ordinate those that volunteered within their local communities throughout the pandemic. They also supported volunteers who were not able to volunteer for health reasons; ensuring they remained connected and engaged.


To deliver against the action plan and the ISP we intend to work with the volunteering infrastructure to develop a pilot for county wide volunteering infrastructure, that is sustainable but offers some consistency of resource across the County. This will be run as a grant funded pilot led by Ashford Volunteer Centre so that we can develop the best approach alongside the organisations themselves. This approach will be embedded in the Civil Society Strategy (once adopted) and future arrangements for supporting volunteering infrastructure will be informed by the pilot’s evaluation findings and in line with the strategy framework. Total Value: £170K.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services

Decision published: 03/09/2021

Effective from: 11/09/2021


As Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services I agree to fund a pilot for Volunteering Infrastructure across the County and the Strategic Recovery Fund to support the voluntary sector in Kent.

Lead officer: Lydia Jackson

01/09/2021 - 21/00078 - Princess Christian's Farm ref: 2514    Recommendations Approved

Proposed decision – As Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, I agree to the updated service specification for the provision and to the procurement of a replacement provider, using the Urgent Procurement processes to deliver services at the Princess Christian’s Farm and authorise the Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health to enter into the necessary contracts following the procurement process and the Director of Infrastructure to finalise the terms of  any  necessary  legal documents including the termination and granting of lease/s to facilitate the service provision Princess Christian’s Farm.


Background and further information


Princess Christian’s Farm is a service contract run by North Kent College under licence following Hadlow College going into administration in 2020. The college have indicated its intention to withdraw from the service in September 2020.


An assessment of the options and market appetite has been completed and the best option for the service users is to identify an alternative provider using a Urgent Competitive Procurement Process.


The full extent of the financial implications is currently being established, but the initial analysis suggests that taking account of the both the revenue and capital implications any new arrangements may exceed £1million through a mix of one-off and recurring costs. The full financial assessment, including charging related implications, will be undertaken alongside the tender process, taking account of both service and property considerations.


As part of the tender process KCC will work with the provider to the develop the appropriate lease/s terms to support the continuation of the service with a new provider. These will be aligned to the service contract.


Legal advice will be sought as the contracts and property agreements are finalised in line with the General Counsel.


An EQIA has been completed.  The decision impacts those living with a learning disability and or autism and their families and or carers.  As the proposed decision is to replace like for like there are no negative impacts.


A DPIA is not required

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Decision published: 01/09/2021

Effective from: 01/09/2021


As Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, I agree to the updated service specification for the provision and to the procurement of a replacement provider, using the Urgent Procurement processes to deliver services at the Princess Christian’s Farm and authorise the Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health to enter into the necessary contracts following the procurement process and the Director of Infrastructure to finalise the terms of  any  necessary  legal documents including the termination and granting of lease/s to facilitate the service provision at Princess Christian’s farm.

Division affected: (All Division);

Lead officer: Simon Mitchell