ePetition details

Cancel the proposed charges to dispose of household waste

We the undersigned petition the council to Cancel the proposal to levy a charge to dispose of household waste.

Kent County Council (KCC) is proposing to charge for the disposal of various household waste items, including soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard.

This plan is forecast to cost KCC £4m to implement and to save it £5m; a net benefit of £1m.

It is expected that the charges will result in an increase in illegal fly tipping. Dealing with the effects of fly tipping is the responsibility of the 12 district and borough councils throughout Kent and it’s feasible that the benefits to KCC could result in increased costs by those lower-level administrations.

Household waste charges are currently included within KCC Council Tax contributions. Increases in the costs incurred by the district and borough councils is likely to be passed to households as an increase in that same tax.

This ePetition ran from 25/04/2019 to 19/05/2019 and has now finished.

60 people signed this ePetition.