Election results for Tonbridge

County Council - Thursday, 6th May, 2021
Comparison with previous election

 Green Party Win Mark Antony James Hood was elected with a majority of 4%. A total of 23437 votes were cast, representing a turnout of 45% .

Table of main parties and election candidates retaining deposit
Election CandidatePartyNumber%Status% Change
Mark Antony James HoodGreen Party634627%Elected22%
Paul Andrew SteptoGreen Party542423%Newly electedn/a
Michael Douglas PayneConservative460820%Outgoing-7%
Richard Langford Hanslip LongConservative452419%Outgoing-6%
Other election candidates-see below253511%-2%
Table of other election candidates
Election Candidate Party Number % Outcome
Carl Anthony Marten Labour 750 3% Not elected
Sean Matthew Francis O'Malley Labour 652 3% Not elected
David John Allen Independent 599 3% Not elected
Colin Robert Tarver Hussey Independent 534 2% Not elected