Election results for Maidstone Central

Maidstone Central by-election - Thursday, 18th October, 2012

Maidstone Central - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Robert H Bird Liberal Democrat 2169 40% Elected
Paul F Butcher Conservative 1301 24% Not elected
Paul Harper Labour 943 17% Not elected
Stuard R Jeffery Green Party 510 9% Not elected
John C Stanford UK Independence Party 393 7% Not elected
Michael P Walters English Democrats 89 2% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 5405
Electorate 28381
Number of ballot papers issued 5605
Number of ballot papers rejected 20
Turnout 20%
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Robert H Bird 40% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Paul F Butcher 24% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Paul Harper 17% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Stuard R Jeffery 9% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
John C Stanford 7% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Michael P Walters 2% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Total rejected20