Issue details

As part of our Better WorkPlaces programme, KCC is not renewing the lease on 17 Kings Hill Avenue - 10/01493

The subsequent relocation of staff may require a key decision before the building is vacated in December 2010.


As it has now been confirmed that no members of staff will have their terms and conditions of employment altered as a result of the closure of these offices then there is not a need for decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member. Consultations with individual and groups of staff about their relocation to specific office sites will be ongoing and there will be continuing reports as appropriate to the Corporate Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the wider Better Work Places programme.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Compulsory redundancies or major changes to term & conditions of staff;

Decision status: Item Deferred

Department: Chief Executives Directorate

Contact: Tom Molloy, Programme Manager - Office Transformation Email:, Tanya Oliver, Director of Strategic Development and Public Access Email: Tel: 01622 694817, Paula Rixon, Project Manager Email: Tel: 01622 696934.


Who and when?

Formal consultation routine board/group meetings Informal discussion.  Documentary proposals


Who is it necessary to consult?

Staff in 17 Kings Hill Ave and other affected buildings.  Recognised Unions. Better WorkPlaces Steering Group


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?:

Yes – Corporate Policy Overview Committee 



Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:



Financial implications: Tanya Oliver Director Of Strategic Development And Public Access Thomas Molloy Programme Manager - Office Transformation Paula Rixon Project Manager

Legal implications: 10/01493

Agenda items


  • Business Case, Project Plan, Detailed Proposals on Relocations (all under development )