Issue details

Bold Steps for Kent - The Medium Term Plan to 2014 - 10/01544

Approval of Bold Steps for Kent - The Medium Term Plan to 2014 the replacement towards 2010 which will expire 30th September 2010.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 16 Dec 2010 by County Council


Informing Only

Who and when?



Who is it necessary to consult?



Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?

Yes all Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?
Yes- the replacement for Towards 2010 is in the Corporate Policy Team Business Operating Plan 2010/11


Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

12 November 2010

Financial implications: David Whittle - Policy Manager

Legal implications: 10/01544

Equalities implications: Appendix 3 of the KCC Constitution (as amended 22nd July 2010) states that the 'Strategic Statement' (i.e Towards 2010 or its successor docments) requires debate and approval by Council.

Agenda items