Issue details

Review Funding Formula for Schools

To agree redistribution of funding between schools based on simplification of the funding formula, mainstreaming of specific grants and the possibility of further delegation of centrally retained DSG.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 2 Feb 2011 by Cabinet

Department: Children, Families and Education Directorate


Informing Only


Who is it necessary to consult?

Schools’ funding Forum and all Schools’ (via an all schools’ consultation).  Primary & Secondary Forums


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?: No


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

November 2010

Financial implications: Bob Smith, Head of Finance-CFE 01622 694980

Legal implications: N/a

Equalities implications: Affects more than 1 Electoral Division

Agenda items


  • Background documents have been sent to the Schools’ funding Forum and its sub group, Delegated Formula Funding Group. All papers are unrestricted. These can be viewed on the Kent Trust Web via the School Funding Forum DFFG link.CFE Finance will be arranging sessions for both headteachers and Governors to attend to find out more about the proposed changes during late Octaber and November 2010.