Issue details

17/00090 - Land at the Detached Playing Field at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys, Common Lane, Wilmington - Taking of a long lease to Kent County Council for the benefit of Wilmington Academy (Non-Key decision)

Proposed decision: The Cabinet Member will be asked to:-


1.  Agree that Kent County Council take a lease in excess of 20 years of part of the detached playing field from the Governing Body of Wilmington Boys Grammar School;


2.  Note the main heads of terms of the lease proposed; and


3.  Authorise the Director of Infrastructure to finalise terms and conclude the taking of the lease. 


The proposed decision meets the objectives of “Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes:  Kent County Council’s Strategic Statement ( 2015 – 2020 ) as follows:


1. The Parish of Wilmington will be provided with a strong and safe environment for children and young people to be successfully educated and raised,


2.   Children and young people have better physical and mental health,


3.  Children and young people are engaged, thrive and achieve their potential through academic and vocational education.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: Wilmington;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/12/2017

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The matter will require further negotiation with regard to the final terms of the lease and therefore considerations set out in the report are commercially sensitive.

Decision due: Not before 18th Jan 2018 by Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services
Reason: in order that the proposed decision can be published for a minimum of 28 days, in accordance with statutory requirements

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services

Lead director: Rebecca Spore

Department: Strategic & Corporate Services

Contact: Mark Cheverton, Property Strategy and Policy Manager 03000 416825 Andrew White Email:, Andrew White, Principal Estates Manager Email:


The matter was discussed by the County Council’s Property Sub-Committee on 8 September 2017 and the proposed decision endorsed.

Other consultation planned or undertaken:


The Governing Body were formally consulted by their Chairman regarding the proposed terms of the lease earlier in 2017, and have approved the initial lease terms as acceptable.


The Local Member, Mrs A D Allen, has been formally consulted with regard to the proposed taking of the lease and fully endorsed the taking of the lease at the meeting on 8 September 2017.


Financial implications: The rent is to be negotiated and agreed. The County Council is proposed to be responsible for maintenance and repair of the new footway, as well as management of the woodland, including maintenance and repair of a new fence. The County Council to bear the costs of the taking of the lease upon completion. This matter forms part of the Capital Programme Delivery for the School

Legal implications: Kent County Council will be taking a lease in excess of 20 years. The terms in the lease are still to be finalised and in view of the length of lease may require registration at the land registry.

Equalities implications: The proposed footway will provide a safer pedestrian access to the Academy for all users, compared to use of the footways adjoining the busy Common lane fronting the site. The provision of the footway also accords with an Equalities Impact Assessment carried out for the School’s Basic Need expansion.


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