Issue details

25/0002 - English Devolution White Paper - KCC response to Government



Cabinet to:

  1. Agree to submit a request to Government, jointly with Medway Council, for Kent and Medway to be included in the Devolution Priority Programme
  2. Note that acceptance onto the Devolution Priority Programme will commit Kent and Medway to elections to a new Mayoral Strategic Authority (MSA) in May 2026 and implementation of local government reorganisation by either April 2027 or April 2028
  3. Agree to request that the Minister for Local Government and English Devolution consider postponing County elections scheduled for May 2025 


Decision details:


Details of the merits and considerations relating to the DPP are set out in the report to Full Council and Cabinet on 9 January.


Acceptance by Ministers of Kent and Medway on the Devolution Priority Programme will commit the County Council, working with Medway Council and the District and Borough Councils in Kent to the following:


  • The creation of a Mayoral Strategic Authority: Areas which are in the Devolution Priority Programme must work to create a Mayoral Strategic Authority (MSA) and holding the first elections for the Mayor by May 2026.


  • The delivery of Local Government Reorganisation: Areas which are in Devolution Priority Programme will be committing to delivering local government reorganisation by either April 2027 or April 2028. Areas on the programme will be expected to set out initial reorganisation proposals by March 2025 and detailed proposals by Autumn 2025


In line with the details set out in the Ministerial letter and the understanding that acceptance onto the Devolution Priority Programme is directly related to the Government’s view of whether elections can and should be postponed, this decision also makes the request to delay the elections as a logical corollary of the requested Devolution arrangements.


It should be noted that the decision on KCC’s acceptance onto the DPP and any delay of elections will be taken by Ministers.




Reason for Urgency:


Following the publication of the English Devolution White Paper on 16 December 2024 the Government proposes to establish a Devolution Priority Programme for a limited number of areas which wish to access the benefits of both devolution and local government reorganisation as quickly as possible. The deadline for applications to the programme is 10 January 2025.


The decision to request Kent and Medway be included in the Devolution Priority Programme is a matter for the Executive pursuant to section 7 of the KCC Constitution and the relevant legislation.


However, Members received a briefing ahead of an extraordinary County Council meeting that was held on 9 January to provide an opportunity for all Members to debate the issue and provide an informative to assist Cabinet in making their decision.






The publication of the English Devolution White Paper on 16 December 2024 provides a definitive policy position from Government in regards to both devolution and local government reorganisation. The Government proposes to establish a Devolution Priority Programme for a limited number of areas which wish to access the benefits of both devolution and local government reorganisation as quickly as possible.


Entry onto the priority programme will support stronger and more constructive engagement with Ministers and civil servants in developing proposals in a way that works best for Kent and Medway, as well as earlier access to the benefits of devolution in terms of powers, funding (and funding flexibilities) and a national level voice.


In joining the priority programme, it is the quickest route for Kent and Medway to draw down devolved powers and monies from Government to deliver new and reformed services and improvement programmes for the benefit of Kent and Medway residents and businesses. Multiple strategic statements from KCC have placed achieving devolution as a key strategic objective of the council, and entry onto the Devolution Priority Programme provides the quickest route to finally meeting that objective from May 2026. This would then give Kent an immediate stronger voice in discussions on national policy and priorities with Government through membership of the Council of Nations and Regions, and the Mayoral Council.


Moreover, given the criteria for moving to Established MSA status is primarily an 18 month running period, the sooner Kent and Medway delivers an MSA the sooner it can gain the substantive benefits of an integrated settlement with Government, gaining greater freedoms over the use of devolved monies, and seek additional and bespoke devolved powers. The risk of not seeking Devolution Priority Programme status is that Kent and Medway would be further disadvantaged and left behind by an increasing majority of local areas with access to a range of powers and funds that will simply not be otherwise available to Kent and Medway for many years.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/01/2025

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Following the publication of the English Devolution White Paper on 16 December 2024 the Government proposes to establish a Devolution Priority Programme for a limited number of areas which wish to access the benefits of both devolution and local government reorganisation as quickly as possible. The deadline for applications to the programme is 10 January 2025.

The decision to request Kent and Medway be included in the Devolution Priority Programme is a matter for the Executive pursuant to section 7 of the KCC Constitution and the relevant legislation.

However, Members received a briefing ahead of an extraordinary County Council meeting that was held on 9 January to provide an opportunity for all Members to debate the issue and provide an informative to assist Cabinet in making their decision.

Decision due: 9 Feb 2025 by Cabinet
Reason: Urgent Decision - immediate impmementation required

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Amanda Beer

Contact: David Whittle, Director of Strategy, Policy, Relationships and Corporate Assurance Email: Tel: 01622 696969.


Given the wider implications of being accepted on the programme, it was felt the matter should be considered by full Council on Thursday 9th January 2025, before a formal meeting of Cabinet took the necessary Urgent Decision at its meeting on Thursday 9th January 2025.


County Council, at its meeting on 9 January, resolved to:


1)    Endorse the ongoing joint work between KCC, Medway Council and District and Borough Council Leaders to respond the English Devolution White Paper


2)    Endorse the proposed decision by the Leader of the Council [Cabinet] to submit a request to Government, jointly with Medway Council, for Kent and Medway to be included in the Devolution Priority Programme


3)    Note that acceptance onto the Devolution Priority Programme will commit Kent and Medway to elections to a new Mayoral Strategic Authority (MSA) in May 2026 and implementation of local government reorganisation by either April 2027 or April 2028


4)    Note that acceptance onto the Devolution Priority Programme may lead to the County Council     elections scheduled for May 2025 being postponed subject to ministerial decision


5)    Expects there to be as much transparency as possible in this process.


Financial implications: Devolved funding arrangements are intended to reserve the most significant powers to Established MSAs. The detailed financial implications of the devolution and local government reorganisation will not be known until engagement with Government progresses further. This decision relates to agreeing an initial position for formal response to Government within the required timescales.

Legal implications: The decision to request Kent and Medway be included in the Devolution Priority Programme is a matter for the Executive pursuant to section 7 of the KCC Constitution and the relevant legislation. In any progression of devolution or local government reorganisation, the Council will comply with relevant legislation, including responding to any new legislation approved by Parliament as required to facilitate the Devolution agenda. For example, specific legislation will need to be passed to complete any Devolution arrangement and to approve full local government reorganisation.

Equalities implications: The decision relates to formal responses to Government on high level strategic governance rather than operational service delivery – initial assessment of the proposal does not indicate any disproportionate negative impacts on protected characteristic groups.
