Issue details

Process to decommission Kent's current 4 separate portage services

Process for CFE Officers to de-commission Kent's current 4 separate portage services and through a multi-agency gorup consider the proposal presented to re-commission a single multi-agency locality-based portage provision across the Kent Children's Trust area, and to present the preferred options to Members for their consideration.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: October 2007 by Cabinet Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Department: Children, Families and Education Directorate

Contact: Joanna Wainwright, Director Commissioning (Specialist Services) Email: Tel: 01622 696595.

Consultation process

As above.


Appropriate senior health professionals from CFE and Health will be consulted through the steering group for the future commissioning of services for children and young people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds and those with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Legal implications: 07/01035