Decision details

21/00071 - Highway Emergency Tree Works Contract

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed decision:

To provide the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport with delegated authority to procure and enter into appropriate contractual arrangements for the provision of Emergency Tree Works, including any potential extension periods in accordance with the expectations set out in the report.



The Council has a legal duty to keep roads and pavements clear of vegetation for safe passage of highway users. The main service areas comprise of clearing felled trees, most notable in adverse weather conditions. These services will need to be commissioned externally to ensure the Council meets its obligations.


The contract period is proposed to be three years with an opportunity to extend this for up to three further years. Any decision to extend the contract will be linked to performance and contract compliance.


The proposed Highway Emergency Tree Works Contract is to enable the procurement and delivery of emergency response specialist tree surgery teams to attend at short notice on a 24/7 basis. Emergency type response times will include a 2-hour and 24-hour requirement. Suppliers will be required to provide suitably qualified staff and have access to the necessary specialised equipment to be able to remove fallen trees and branches from causing an obstruction to the highway.


There is no programmed works and work volumes are dictated by the weather and where emergency situations occur. This varies from year to year and is largely dependent on the prevailing weather and storm events.


To enable delivery across the county the following lots are being sought:


• Lot 1 (West) - Maidstone, Dartford, Gravesham, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge & Malling, and Tunbridge Wells 

• Lot 2 (East) - Ashford, Swale, Canterbury, Thanet, Dover, and Folkestone and Hythe



As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation, I agree to provide the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport with delegated authority to procure and enter into appropriate contractual arrangements for the provision of Emergency Tree Works, including any potential extension periods in accordance with the expectations set out in the report.

Publication date: 22/09/2021

Date of decision: 22/09/2021

Effective from: 30/09/2021

Accompanying Documents: