Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Proposed decision
To agree to accept the DfT BSIP offer of £18,985,735, for delivery of agreed initiatives, in the year 23/24. The funding is split, £12,454,840 capital and £6,530,895 revenue.
Reason for the decision
Following negotiations with DfT in respect to the BSIP indicative funding, DfT confirmed that they could provide years 1 & 2 of this indicative funding, on the proviso that it was delivered in 23/24. Following submission of revised initiatives that can be delivered in a 12-month period, DfT have confirmed a funding offer of £18,985,735, which is split as £12,454,840 capital and £6,530,895 revenue. The decision is to enable the acceptance of this offer and for the funds to be released by DfT to KCC.
Department for Transport (DfT) had awarded KCC an indicative funding allocation of (circa.) £35m payable over a three-year period commencing April 2022 for its Bus Service Improvement Plan. DfT remain supportive of the full BSIP funding but due to a protracted clarification process and a review by DfT of their short and medium-term spending commitments, this allocation has not been formally confirmed. However, DfT has confirmed there is an opportunity to receive the first two years funding, subject to KCC agreeing to certain conditions which are being developed. KCC has therefore worked with the DfT to identify a range of initiatives that could be delivered within a curtailed, 12-month period which would require £18.9m This decision covers this funding allocation.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
To forego the funding award. This is rejected as the funding still represents a significant investment into public transport services to build a more sustainable future service.
How the proposed decision supports Framing Kent’s Future 2022-2026:
The decision supports Priority 2: Infrastructure for communities and the specific commitment Work with our partners through the Kent Enhanced Bus Partnership and with Government to explore sustainable and commercially viable options for providing bus transport to meet people’s needs, making the best use of Bus Service Improvement Plan funding.
Data Protection implications
An overarching Data Protection Impact assessment will be undertaken on the acceptance of the grant funding and for each project.
As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, I agree to accept the DfT BSIP offer of £18,985,735, for delivery of agreed initiatives, in the year 23/24. The funding is split, £12,454,840 capital and £6,530,895.
Publication date: 23/03/2023
Date of decision: 23/03/2023
Effective from: 31/03/2023
Accompanying Documents: