Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Proposed Decision:
The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills:
Reason for the decision:
1. Estimated increase in Teachers Pension Employer Contribution (TPEC) by 5 percentage points, to 28.6% from 1st April 2024 to ensure that the scheme continues to meet present and future obligations (estimated total £30.5m for schools in Kent of which £17.1m will be paid directly by DfE to academies)
2. Estimated increases in schools resulting from the September 2024 teachers pay award announcements and support staff pay increases from 1st April 2024 (the Core Schools Budget Grant is estimated total £31.2m for schools in Kent of which £17.5m will be paid directly by DfE to academies).
3. Estimated increases for early years providers of the free entitlement offer in resulting from teachers’ pay award from September 2024 (the Early Years Budget Grant, estimated total £0.3m for early years providers in Kent)
· The Local Authority is responsible for the passporting of these grants to individual maintained primary and secondary state-funded schools and this has been prescribed by the Department of Education as part of the terms and condition of the grant (and therefore is not part of this key decision). Mainstream Academies and Free Schools will receive their grant allocations directly from the DfE.
· The Council must decide how the funding for Alternative Provision (AP) (including pupil referral units, AP academies & free schools, and hospital school), and state-funded special schools should be allocated (estimated total TPEC £4m & CSBG £4.2m). Interim payments have been made to schools, to support cash-flow, in lieu of this decision and final grant allocations being confirmed).
· Additional funding received for independent schools and centrally employed teachers will be used to support 24-25 price uplift requests and pay increases (respectively) in accordance with the grant conditions.
· The Council must decide how the funding for early year providers should be allocated (estimated total EYBG £0.3m).
Options (other options considered but discarded):
Framing Kent’s Future and Securing Kent’s Future:
· The decision is linked to the key priority “Levelling up Kent” within the ‘Framing Kent’s Future (2022-26)’
· Whilst the decision relates to the distribution of ring-fenced grant, this decision is linked to achieving the overall objectives of ‘Securing Kent’s Future – Budget Recovery Strategy’ whereby proposals are linked to ensuring financial sustainability of special schools and alternative provision (of which the majority are LA maintained schools, whereby KCC retains responsibility), and additional funding to support price uplift requests which will avoid further financial pressure on the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant and support the financial recovery.
As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:
Publication date: 07/02/2025
Date of decision: 07/02/2025
Effective from: 15/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: