Decision details

22/00022 - Active Travel Capital Funding Grant Tranche 2

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed decision

To give approval to proceed to consideration of alternative options for Thanet, Gravesend, and Folkestone Active Travel Schemes.



To inform Cabinet Members of current situation with regard to Council secured funding for the Active Travel Fund from the Department for Transport, update following the public consultation and seek approval to proceed to the next stages of consideration of alternative plans for the Thanet, Gravesend, and Folkestone Active Travel Schemes.



The Department for Transport has awarded Kent County Council £6.098m for five named active travel schemes across the County.  One of these schemes has proceeded to construction stage (Hythe), one has approval to proceed to detailed design and construction (Canterbury), and the remaining three will be discussed at the meeting of the ETCC as no formal update has yet been provided regarding the outcome of Public Consultation.


How the proposed decision meets the challenges in the Interim Strategic Plan:

Delivery of Active Travel Schemes will directly support priority actions under the demand and environment challenges:

-       Demand - Work with local communities to promote access to safe places to walk and cycle as an alternative to travelling by car

-       Environment - Homes and communities need to be well-connected, both to convenient transport networks and active travel.  The schemes support the delivery of reduced congestion and improving infrastructure and accessibility.


Financial Implications

The DFT’s grant conditions state that the expenditure is for the named schemes contained in the bid, for the purpose and benefit of Active Travel and it requires Kent to carry out advanced consultation.


The funds were originally intended for expenditure by March 2021, however since the Department for Transport spent some months deliberating the grant offer; we now have an extension, and the schemes should be delivered as soon as possible, preferably before the end of March 2023.  If any capital funding is left; we will seek approval from the DfT to use it for smaller active travel measures such as cycle storage and/or other measures to compliment walking and cycling in the local vicinity.


The DfT grant of £6.098m will fully cover both the capital and revenue costs associated with the scheme as per current concept designs.  These costs are split as follows:


           Revenue £1.220m

           Capital £4.878m


The schemes’ costs are scalable to suit the budget available and therefore present no financial risk to KCC. A proportion to allow for risk was included in the cost estimates.  Independent cost consultants will be used throughout the design process to ensure cost assurance for the whole life costs of the schemes.


Legal implications

Nothing to report at this stage.


Equalities implications

Equality Impact Assessments have been completed for the individual projects.  KCC will review these documents whilst keeping any affected groups informed and updated.


As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation, I give approval to proceed to consideration of alternative options for Thanet, Gravesend, and Folkestone Active Travel Schemes.

Publication date: 06/04/2022

Date of decision: 06/04/2022

Effective from: 14/04/2022

Accompanying Documents: