Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Proposed Decision:
To approve changes to the Kent County Council local funding formula for schools and early years providers that is used to calculate school budgets and early years rates from 1 April 2025.
To approve the percentage uplift to Special Educational Need payments made by the Local Authority to State-Funded Schools and Post 16 providers (FE Colleges & Specialist Post 16 Providers) from 1 April 2025.
Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to make any necessary changes to the Local Funding Formula rates once final affordability is known.
Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, to agree the distribution method for new school specific education grants during 2025-26 provided by the Department of Education, in line with grant conditions.
Reason for the decision:
· The Council is responsible for setting the funding formula rates for High Needs funded school places including mainstream top-up funding, specialist resource provisions, maintained and academy special schools, post 16 providers. Proposals for the future SEN funding model for state-funded schools is being considered separately. These proposals are limited to the recommended percentage uplift to be applied to existing formulas for 2025-26.
· The Council is also responsible for setting the Early Years Local Funding Formula which is used for setting the rates paid to early years providers for the Free Entitlement offer for children aged between 9 months and 4 years attending nurseries or childminders, for up to 30 hours of free childcare a week (dependent on eligibility).
Options (other options considered but discarded):
School Budgets: The options considered for setting the primary and secondary school budgets are outlined in the consultation document to schools and the preferred option will be set out at the point of decision. However, the option to deviate excessively from the National Funding Formula (NFF) used by Government to allocate school funding to local authorities for distribution to primary and secondary schools was discarded at an earlier stage.This is in line with previous recommendations from both schools & the Schools Funding Forum who have supported the general principle that “our Local Funding Formula should move towards the NFF, but at the same time continue to utilise local flexibility to address areas of local concern”.
Last year the Government announced a range of measures to support early education and help for parents with childcare so they can return to work more easily. This resulted in a number of changes to the sector including an expansion of the free entitlement offer from a universal/targeted offer for 3 & 4 year olds (& some eligible 2 year olds) to include free childcare up to 30 hours to working parents with children aged over 9 months. The Council implemented a number of new rates in response to this change and reviewed the current 3 & 4 year old formula relating to deprivation. Therefore, options to change the basis of the funding rates further were discarded, to provide stability to the sector, instead opting to consider a standard percentage uplift in line with Government funding announcements.
Links to Framing Kents Future and Securing Kent’s Future:
· The decision is linked to the key priority “Levelling up Kent” within the ‘Framing Kent’s Future (2022-26)’
· Whilst the decision relates to the distribution of ring-fenced grant, this decision is linked to achieving the overall objectives of ‘Securing Kent’s Future – Budget Recovery Strategy’ whereby proposals will support the financial recovery of the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant.
As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:
· approve changes to the Kent County Council local funding formula for schools and early years providers that is used to calculate school budgets and early years rates from 1 April 2025 as set out below:
i. Set the local Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) percentage at 0.0% for primary & secondary schools
ii. Increase the following factor values as set out in the table below to reflect the incorporation of grants (which were previously received separately) including the full year effect of the Core Schools Budget Grant:
Factor Value Increase |
24-25 Grants* |
Full Year Effect Core Schools Budget Grant for 25-26 |
Basic Entitlement: Primary Secondary Key Stage 4 Secondary Key Stage 5 |
£213 £300 £339 |
£51 £71 £80 |
Free School Meals Ever 6 Primary Secondary |
£188 £277 |
£45 £68 |
Lump Sum |
£8,006 |
£1.915 |
Minimum Per Pupil Funding Level Primary Secondary |
£257 £350 |
£62 £83 |
*Teachers Pay Grant; Teachers Pension Employers Contribution Grant; Core Schools Budget Grant
iii. Set the Minimum Per Pupil Funding Level (MPPFL) as per the values in the table below. This is equivalent to 99.1% of the National Funding Formula Rate
MPPFL Factor Value |
2025-26 Local Rate £s |
Primary |
£4,910.41 |
Secondary Key Stage 4 |
£6,163.55 |
Secondary Key Stage 5 |
£6,741.71 |
iv. All other factors within the current local funding formula to increase by approximately 0.2% (after grant funding has been added).
i. the base rates for the Free Entitlement offer will be set as per the values in the table below:
Free Entitlement Base Rate |
2025-26 Rate £ per eligible hour |
Over 9 months to 2 years |
£10.76 |
2 years |
£7.84 |
3- & 4-year olds |
£5.34 |
ii. Increase the 3- and 4-year olds quality supplement by £0.14 per hour to £1.34 per hour for settings with a nominated leader with a qualified teacher status and employed on & paid under the Statutory Teachers’ Terms & Conditions.
iii. reduce the proportion of the Early Years Block retained by the Council to fund services for early years from a maximum of 5% to 4% in line with government guidance (total estimated budget of £9.3m)
iv. Remove the contingency for variations in demand for payments for children over 9 months and under 2 years.
v. Early Years Pupil Premium and Disability Access Fund to be set in line with nationally prescribed rates.
· Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, to make any necessary changes to the Local Funding Formula rates once final affordability is known and the outcome of Secretary of State approval.
· Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, to agree the distribution method for school specific education grants during 2025-26 provided by the Department of Education, in line with grant conditions.
Publication date: 24/02/2025
Date of decision: 20/02/2025
Effective from: 04/03/2025
Accompanying Documents: