Issue - meetings

Portfolio Holders update

Meeting: 25/05/2010 - Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 2)

Cabinet Member's and Executive Director's Update

Additional documents:


(1)          Mr Chard gave a verbal report on the following issues:-


Kent Highway Services


Highways Capital Maintenance outturn; Weather damaged repairs to roads; Kent Permit Scheme; Kickstart; Traffic signals; Drainage; Road Safety – Ditch the Distraction; June and July Road Safety Campaigns; Kent & Medway Safety Camera Partnership.


Environment & Waste


Recent successful prosecutions through Clean Kent Partnership; Charter Mark for Customer Excellence; Flood Risk Management Officer; Country Parks.


Integrated Strategy & Planning


DaSTS Study London to Dover/Channel Tunnel; Lower Thames Crossing; Rail Summit; A21 Tonbridge – Pembury; Lydd Airport; South East Plan: Minerals Review; Minerals & Waste Development Framework; Local Development Frameworks.


(2)     Mr Chard stated that, in future, a list of the issues intended to be included in his oral update would be circulated prior to the meeting.


(3)         RESOLVED that the update be noted and a copy circulated to Members of the Committee.