Issue - meetings

Budget and council tax level for 2011/12 and Medium Term Plan 2011-15

Meeting: 17/02/2011 - County Council (Item 8)

8 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011-13 (Incorporating the Budget and Council Tax Setting for 2011/12) pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       The Chairman reminded all Members that any Member if a Local Authority who was liable to pay Council Tax and who had any unpaid Council Tax amount overdue for at least two months, even if there was an arrangement to pay off the arrears, must declare the fact that they are in arrears and must not cast their vote on anything related to KCC’s budget or Council Tax.


(2)       The Chairman stated that, prior to the commencement of the budget presentation by the Acting Director of Finance, the County Council needed to determine recommendation 59(a) on page 35 of the County Council agenda. Accordingly, Mr Carter moved, Mr Simmonds seconded and it was:


Resolved: that Andy Wood be confirmed as the Interim Section 151 Officer with immediate effect and Malcolm Newsam as Interim Director of Adult Social Services and Director of Children’s Services with effect from 1 April 2011.


(3)       Mr Wood gave a presentation on the budget setting process and the impact on KCC’s financial position as a result of cuts in Government grants to local authorities.


(4)       Mr W Hayton moved Mrs P Stockell seconded that


(a)       Procedure Rule 1.12(2) be suspended in order that the meeting be extended to 5.00 pm;


(b)       Procedure Rule 1.30 be suspended in order that the Leader be allowed to speak for a maximum of 15 minutes, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and the Leader of the Labour Group for 10 minutes each with the Leader being given a 5 minute right of reply;


(c)        Procedure Rule 1.30 be suspended after presentations by Cabinet Members on their portfolios in the period of general debate that follows in order that speeches can be limited to 3 minutes, and


(d)       Procedure Rule 1.36 be suspended in order for the mover and seconder of the original motion to be permitted to speak on more than one occasion.


Carried without a vote


(5)       The Chairman also advised the County Council that should the period of general debate on each portfolio finish earlier than scheduled, the time for debate on amendments would be extended.


(6)       Mr P Carter moved, Mr J Simmonds seconded the approval of the contents of the attached 2011/12 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2011-13 and to approve the following proposals:


(b)           the Revenue and Capital Budget proposals for 2011/12;


(c)          the Revenue Budget requirement of £909,054,000;


(d)          the Capital Investment proposals of £330,482,000, together with the necessary use of borrowing, revenue, grants, capital receipts, renewals and other earmarked capital funds, external funding and PFI, subject to approval to spend arrangements;


(e)          the Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix Dof the attached Medium Term Financial Plan;


(f)            the Revenue and Capital Budget proposals as presented in the white combed version of the Budget Book and Medium Term Financial Plan for:


·                Children, Families and Education;

·                Adult Social Services;

·                Environment, Highways and Waste;

·                Communities;

·                Regeneration and Economic Development;

·                Public Health & Innovation;

·                Localism & Partnerships;

·                Corporate Support Services & Performance Management; and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8