Issue - meetings

Establishing a shadow Health & Wellbeing Board for Kent

Meeting: 21/07/2011 - County Council (Item 55)

55 Establishing a Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board for Kent pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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(1)       Mr Gough moved, Mr Gibbens seconded the recommendations on page 119 and 120 of the County Council agenda.


(2)       In response to a question from Mr Christie, the Director of Governance and Law was asked to confirm the situation on the application of the rules on proportionality to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Resolved: that (1) the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board be established as a Committee of Kent County Council and operate in shadow form until legislation is enacted;


(2) the KCC membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix A be approved;


(3) the Board report annually to full Council on its activity and progress over the previous 12 months; and


(4) the Terms of Reference and Standing Orders in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Board be reviewed and amended as necessary; in light of the development of the Board over the next 18 months, its evaluation programme and the publication of relevant legislation and guidance, subject to County Council approval as required.