Issue - meetings

16/00125 - Agreement of approach to adhoc funding for Pothole repair and maintenance

Meeting: 17/11/2016 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 220)

220 Pothole Blitz - Update and Future Actions pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To consider and endorse or make recommendations on a proposed decision by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Additional documents:


1.         Mr Wilkin, Director of Highways, Transportation & Waste, introduced the report.  He stated that in addition to the 1,200 pot holes which had been filled, 50,000 square metres of patching had also taken place. 


2.         Mr Balfour and Mr Wilkin then responded to comments made by members, and made the following points:


(a)  Parish Councils were encouraged to report large pot holes in their parishes. There were differing views on devolution, and although Parish Councils were encouraged to take on a bigger role, formalising this arrangement could be difficult. This was however, part of the long term agenda.

(b)  An annual summary report could be provided to the Cabinet Committee giving clarity on where pothole repairs had taken place, ensuring transparency. 

(c)  That this work was in addition to safety critical work, which would not be affected, as this was imbedded in the Highways Maintenance contract.


3.         RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to agree the approach to funding as set out in the report; to delegate authority to the director to identify and award such funding as it becomes available, and to undertake any necessary actions to conclude the first phase undertaken in the summer of 2016, be endorsed.