To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing and to consider and either endorse or make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member on the proposed decision to formalise existing arrangements in the short-term and enter into an agreement to cover specification and procurement of a nurse-led community service in the medium and long-term.
Additional documents:
Christy Holden (Head of Strategic Commissioning - Accommodation Solutions) and Anne Tidmarsh (Director, Older People and Physical Disability) were in attendance for this item.
1. Christy Holden introduced the report and the exempt appendix and welcomed questions from the Committee.
a) A Member asked a question about the action plan that was in place and the associated risks. Ms Holden said that the team was developing performance indicators to ensure that a well-structured action plan was in place to clearly highlight expectations and needs. Ms Holden said that the risks would be balanced and performance measured in September and November 2017 in terms of its effect on Delayed Transfers of Care figures;
b) A Member asked a question about the minimum standard of staffing required. Mrs Tidmarsh said that staff had become stakeholders in the company and the model was very good;
c) A Member asked a question about the lack of responses from the market and whether or not a contingency plan was in place. Mrs Tidmarsh said that there were not many providers that could deliver this specific service and had to be mindful that the model did not become de-stabilized and that the current provider was able to continue to deliver the service. The model would be more outcome-based and would provide an innovative service. Mrs Tidmarsh said that the team had been looking at different ways of expanding and working with health providers; and
d) Mr Ireland said that the model looked closely at two key factors: speed and long term security, the latter of which was helped by the New Monies. He added that it would be a good idea to highlight achievements to allow people to see what had been done in the successful scheme.
2. RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, to:
a) agree to formalise existing arrangements with Hilton Nurse Partners in the short term, procured through a KCC single sourced contract;
b) agree to enter into an adaptable framework agreement to cover the specification and procurement of a nurse led community service in the medium and longer term, alongside Homecare and Supporting Independence Service, from September 2017;
c) delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision; and
d) authorise Officers to commence market engagement in readiness for the full procurement process, where required,
be endorsed.