Issue - meetings

17/00117 - The primary and secondary school co-ordinated admissions schemes for 2019 and the admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled primary schools and the admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled

Meeting: 18/01/2018 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 71)

71 17/00117 - Proposed Co-ordinated Schemes For Primary And Secondary Schools In Kent And Determinations of Admission Arrangements For Primary And Secondary Community And Voluntary Controlled Schools 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To receive a report which informs Members about the outcome of the consultation on the proposed scheme for transfer to Primary and Secondary schools in September 2019, including the proposed process for non-coordinated In-Year Admissions.

Additional documents:


1.    Scott Bagshaw (Head of Admissions and Transport), introduced the report which updated Members of the Committee on the outcome of the consultation on the proposed scheme for transfer to Primary and Secondary schools in September 2019, including the proposed process for non-coordinated In-Year Admissions.


a)    In response a question, Scott Bagshaw said that the pupil premium allocation was allocated in a different way for each school. Each school had set their own arrangements to meet their needs as a school and also the needs of their pupils. There was no set place limit for pupil premiums. He said that staff could visit schools to find out how their pupil premium funding was allocated and the school’s pupil premium statistics and bring an update back to the Committee; this was welcomed by the Chairman.


b)    In response to a question, Scott Bagshaw said that the school census information was available each year and would highlight the measure of how many children were attending school regularly.


c)    The Chairman asked that any readily-available information be circulated to all Members of the Committee.


d)    In response to a question, Scott Bagshaw said that although there was a requirement for schools to maintain a waiting list until the end of term for pupil premium places, schools were encouraged to do this past this time.


e)    In response to a question, Scott Bagshaw said that a clear, good quality map was available for all schools, so parents had a better-quality copy of this.


f)     In response to a question, Scott Bagshaw said that the school had a legal requirement to maintain their own oversubscription criteria online on their own website. Admission arrangements were checked regularly to ensure that schools were adhering to legal obligations.


2.    RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, to accept and determine

a)     The Coordinated Primary Admissions Scheme 2019/20 incorporating the In Year admissions process.

b)     The Co-ordinated Secondary Admissions Scheme 2019/20 incorporating the In Year admissions process.


c)     The oversubscription criteria relating to Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant, Junior and Primary Schools in Kent 2019/20.


d)     The oversubscription criteria relating to Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary Schools in Kent 2019/20.


e)     The Published Admissions Number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant, Junior and Primary Schools 2019/20.


f)      The Published Admissions Number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary Schools 2019/20.


g)     The relevant statutory consultation areas for Kent Infant, Junior and Primary Schools 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix C (3) and the relevant statutory consultation areas for Kent Secondary Schools 2019/20.


be endorsed.