Issue - meetings

Closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School, Folkestone - To be replaced by a New Primary Provision within the Folkestone Academy

Meeting: 23/04/2009 - School Organisation Advisory Board (Item 3)

3 Proposed Closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School and its replacement as a Primary School within the Folkestone Academy pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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5 – report by Mr Graham Ward, Director, Operations)


(1)       This report presented the results of a public consultation on the proposal to close Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School and replace it with a Primary phase within the Folkestone Academy.  Mr Adams outlined the key issues arising from the public meeting and consultation exercise and said that officers would be working closely with the two governing bodies on the ongoing development of this proposal.


(2)       In response to a range of questions raised by Members Mr Adams said that the Park Farm Primary School buildings would be replaced by a new provision located on the same site but separate to the Folkestone Academy.  However whilst the Primary and Secondary elements of the school would be discrete, with separate identities, opportunities would exist for expectations and structures to be common throughout, thereby supporting transition through the phases.  It was also confirmed that the Academy would adhere to the Code of Practice on Admissions and would be expected to play a role within the Local School Partnerships.  With regard to staff, Mr Adams said that the Governing Body was the employer of the staff at Park Farm School and that the Folkestone Academy Trust was the employer of staff within the Academy.  Consultation with Park Farm staff had been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of TUPE and discussions were ongoing with the DCSF regarding funding for TUPE costs and the funding for any necessary redundancies. 


(3)       With regard to SEN provision Mr Adams said that Park Farm already had a good record of supporting SEN pupils and it was considered that the all-age Academy would be able to place additional resources into SEN at the Primary level.  Further it was considered the proposal would lead to the better development of existing working practices and in partnership with other agencies provide additional support.  In response to a question about whether Members should have a report on how successful other all-through Academies had been before reaching a decision on this proposal, Mr Adams said that a study of other Academies offering all-through provision could be undertaken but that consideration of this proposal could not reasonably be deferred until the outcome of that review was known.


(4)       Following further consideration of the proposals the Advisory Board agreed with one abstention that a Public Notice should be issued for the closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School, subject to its replacement within the Folkestone Academy.

Meeting: 05/11/2008 - School Organisation Advisory Board (Item 3)

3 Proposed Closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School and its replacement as a Primary School within the Folkestone Academy pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


Proposed Closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School and its Replacement as a Primary School within the Folkestone Academy



(1)     This report sought the views of the Advisory Board on a proposal to undertake a public consultation in conjunction with the Governing Body, on the closure of Park Farm (Foundation) Primary School.  The school would be replaced by a new primary school within the Folkestone Academy.


(2)     During the course of discussion, Members of the Advisory Board raised a number of concerns.  These included the arrangements for the Headship of the Primary School; the potential loss of playing fields; the admission arrangements; special needs provision; the need for Members to receive legal advice on the establishment of schools under this process; the need to see evidence that the Academy was prepared to engage with other primary schools in the area and the adequacy of the map provided with the report.


(3)     In response, officers advised Members that it was likely that the new all through school would have an Executive Head with the Primary School having a “Head of School”.  The current Head teacher of Park Farm was aware of the situation and, it would be the responsibility of the Governing Body to decide whether to have a Head teacher to oversee the primary element of the school.  As to the playing fields these were considered to be adequate to serve all needs and only land which was surplus would be disposed of.  However, Sport England would be asked for its views as part of the consultation exercise.


(4)     As to the admission arrangements the Folkestone Academy would become an “all age” school admitting some 60 pupils per year group in its primary phase and 240 pupils in the secondary phase.  The Academy would also have some 250 post 16 places.  In 2010 entering the Academy would be subject to the statutory admissions arrangements and officers said it was clear that no-one would want to have a situation where children were being disadvantaged.  If the proposal to go out to consultation was approved, then officers said they would provide more detailed information about the admission arrangements and also provide advice on the legal position regarding the establishment of schools under this process.  With regard to special needs, the current special needs provisions provided at Foxwood and High Hill would be relocated to the Brockhill site in new buildings with integrated provision.  Officers also said that they would ensure that any future reports included a more detailed site map. 


(5)     Following further discussion, officers said they acknowledged the concerns which Members had raised and if approval was given for the proposal to go out to consultation then they would ensure that in their next report they would deal in more detail with the points which had been raised during the course of the debate.


(6)     The Advisory Board then agreed unanimously that a public consultation exercise should be undertaken in conjunction with the Governing Body on the proposal for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3