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Christine Wissink (Environmental Projects Manager) was in attendance for this item.
1. Miss Carey introduced the report which asked the cabinet committee to consider and endorse or make recommendations on a proposed decision to approve the delivery of the Low Carbon across the South and East Programme. She made Members aware of the work undertaken by Low Carbon across the South and East (LoCASE), which included advising businesses on decarbonisation and raising awareness of green initiatives and opportunities. The economies of scale which resulted from the proposed wider area of operation were noted.
2. Mrs Wissink provided further detail of LoCASE’s scope of operation: to reduce the environmental impact of business and make companies greener; summarised previous achievements and addressed targets. It was confirmed that LoCASE was constituted of 16 partner authorities and institutions including county and unitary councils as well as universities.
RESOLVED to endorse the proposed decision of the Cabinet Member for Environment to approve the delivery of the ‘Low Carbon across the South and East Programme’.