Issue - meetings

23/00047 - Cyclopark Operator Agreement (OA) and Funding

Meeting: 16/05/2023 - Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee (Item 138)

138 23/00047 - Cyclopark Operator Agreement (OA) and Funding pdf icon PDF 354 KB

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Mr Steve Grimshaw, Strategic Programme Manager, was in attendance for this item.


1.             Mr Robey introduced the item and Mr Grimshaw summarised the report regarding a new deed of variation to extend the agreement with Cyclopark Trust for a further 10 years to continue to operate the venue on behalf of KCC.


2.             The Chair suggested, once the District Visits Programme had recommenced, that a visit be made to Cylcopark.


3.             Mr Grimshaw responded to the following questions and comments from Members:


a)             Members expressed their support of the facility and what the site had achieved so far.

b)             Members raised concerns over security at the park and anti-social behaviour. Mr Grimshaw said the Council had engaged with the company on concerns about security and work had begun on investigating the work needed to improve security.

c)              Members noted the role of the park in reducing ASB in the local area and the health benefits it provided.

d)             A Member also commented that given the amount of investment in this project, that it may be beneficial for KCC to have representation on the Board of Trustees.

e)             Members discussed whether the surrounding land could be used for renewable energy production to offset the rise in energy costs.

f)               A Member asked what prospects there were for the site not to require subsidy in future. Mr Grimshaw said the construction of a modular building was part of the move away from being funded wholly by KCC and that the trust continued to look for alternative means of funding.

g)             A Member asked whether the lease obligated the trust to maintain the facility to a certain level and how KCC inspected this. Mr Grimshaw responded that the 50-year lease within the original operator’s agreement sets out that Cyclopark is responsible for building and track maintenance.


4.             Mr Rayner proposed, and Mr Meade seconded an amendment to the recommendation that the Cabinet Member for Economic Development be asked to put forward sufficient improvements to security to ensure the safety of the facility, and this was agreed unanimously.




1.             Endorse the decision:


(a)      to approve a retrospective Deed of Variation to the Operator Agreement between KCC and Cyclopark Trust for the operation of the park and continuation of KCC financial support for the period 27 May 2022 to 26 May 2032 (10 Years) and;

(b)      that authority be delegated to the Director of Growth and Communities to take appropriate actions in accordance with the terms of the Operator Agreement as necessary to implement this decision.

2.          Ask the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to put forward sufficient improvements to security to ensure the safety of the facility.