96 Response to the Serious Violence Duty PDF 383 KB
Mr M Powell introduced the report and provided a
brief summary of the new Act and how it related to specified
authorities. A new Serious Violence Prevention Partnership (SVPP)
had been established, which would be chaired by the Police and
Crime Commissioner, and they had already agreed the definition of
serious violence, including public place violence, and violence
linked to domestic and sexual abuse.
It was noted that the Violence Reduction Unit was
focusing on young people aged 10-24, as they were
disproportionately involved in serious violence as either
perpetrators or victims, particularly regarding knife crime injury
and robbery.
The SVPP Board had outlined their priorities which
were commissioning a strategic needs assessment; developing a data
sharing platform; and commissioning a report to understand
multiagency links to ensure no duplication of work.
It was noted that the strategic needs assessment
would be completed in January and would then be presented to KCSP
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the contents of the report and support the actions from the Serious Violence Prevention Partnership Board.