Issue - meetings

24/00002 - Older Persons Residential and Nursing Contract Extension

Meeting: 18/01/2024 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 177)

177 24/00002 - SS14142 Older Persons Residential and Nursing Contract Extension pdf icon PDF 196 KB

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Heidi Ward was in attendance for this item. 


  1. Mr Mitchell introduced the report. 


  1. In response to comments and questions from Members, it was said. 


  1. A Member sought clarity on what alternatives had been considered. Richard Ellis said the only potential alternatives were to recommission on different terms or move to individual contracts for each service. It was said that the option presented today was the most efficient and effective way to work with providers. It was noted that there would be more options to consider going forward. The Member requested that more information was needed on the contracts.  


  1. Richard Ellis confirmed that the bed-buying option remained as part of the contract. 


  1. Ms Ward confirmed that several care homes were marked for improvement and those classed as inadequate would not have new individuals referred there. It was noted that teams would work with care homes to make the required improvements and ratings were public so that individuals can choose where to receive care.  


  1. Ms Ward noted that there was a very good working relationship with the CQC. 


  1. RESOLVED the Adult Social Care cabinet committee endorsed the SS14142 Older Persons Residential and Nursing contract extension.


  1. In accordance with paragraph 16.31 of the Constitution, Mr Brady, Ms Meade, Mr Campkin, Ms Hawkins and Mr Streatfeild wished for it to be recorded in the minutes that they voted to abstain on the endorsement of the proposed decision.