Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone
Contact: Denise Fitch 03000 416090
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The General Counsel reported apologies from Mr P Bartlett, Mr M Horwood, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Ida Linfield, Mr S Manion, Mr K Pugh and Mr I Thomas. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Dr Sullivan declared an interest, as her husband was employed by the County Council in the Early Help and Prevention Team.
(2) Mr Lewis declared an interest as his wife was employed by the County Council.
Chairman's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: No Chairman’s announcements were made
Election of the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Northey proposed, and Mrs Chandler seconded that Mr Gough be elected as Leader of the Council.
Agreed unanimously
Statement by the Leader of the Council (Oral) Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Gough thanked Members for his election as Leader of the Council. He stated that he was proud to take leadership of a Council that through its dedicated staff delivered so many services to the people of Kent.
(2) Mr Gough paid tribute to his predecessors, Mr Carter and Lord Bruce-Lockhart, and reflected on their achievements as Leaders of the Council.
(3) Mr Gough referred to some of Kent’s most significant challenges. These included housing pressures, gaps in skills and opportunities between the west and coastal east of the county, the impact of an ageing population on health and social care services, the pressures on special educational needs, and the impact of social isolation. He also emphasised the positive working relationship between County and District Leaders in Kent in seeking to address issues relating to funding infrastructure.
(4) Mr Gough thanked those Members leaving Executive posts and confirmed that there would be a dedicated Cabinet portfolio for the Environment. A key priority would be the delivery of the energy and Low Emissions Strategy and the ambitious targets for zero carbon.
(5) Mr Gough referred to the privilege of serving the people of Kent and undertook to do his very best in his new role.
(6) Mr Bird, the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Farrell, Leader of the Labour Group, and Mr Whybrow, Leader of the Independents Group, congratulated Mr Gough on his appointment as Leader of the Council and welcomed many of the aspects of his statement.
(7) In replying to the other Leader’s comments, Mr Gough thanked the Leaders of the Opposition groups for their kind words and stated that he would seek to work together with them for the good of the people of Kent.
Select Committee - Knife Crime Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Mr Hill moved and Mr Barrington-King seconded the following motion: “That County Council is asked to:
a) Thank the Select Committee for its work and for producing a relevant and balanced document;
b) Recognise the valuable contribution of the witnesses and others whoprovided evidence to the Select Committee, and
c) Comment on and endorse the report and recommendations of the Select Committee.”
(2) The motion as set out in paragraph (1) was agreed without a formal vote.
(3) RESOLVED that
a) the Select Committee be thanked for its work and for producing a relevant and balanced document.
b) the witnesses and others who provided evidence and made valuable contributions to the Select Committee be thanked.
c) County Council’s comments on the report be noted and the report be endorsed.
Structural Revision of the Constitution Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Gough moved and Mr Hotson seconded the following motion:
“That the County Council is asked to agree the adoption of the revised version of the Constitution.”
(1) Mr Farrell proposed and Mr Whybrow seconded the following amendment:
“That the County Council agree the adoption of the revised version of the Constitution, subject to a new section following section 17.46 reading ‘The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee shall be the Leader of the Opposition.”
(3) Following the debate, the Chairman put the amendment set out in paragraph (2) above to the vote and the voting was as follows:
For (13)
Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr J Clinch, Ms K Constantine, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr B Lewis, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow, Mr J Wright
Against (46)
Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mrs C Bell, Mrs R Binks, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Ms D Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell
Abstained (3)
Mr R Gough, Mr D Pascoe, Mr R Thomas
Amendment lost
(4) The Chairman put the motion as set out in paragraph 1 to the meeting and it was agreed without a formal vote
(5) RESOLVED that the revised version of the Constitution circulated with the agenda be adopted.
Financial Regulations Scheme of Delegations Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Oakford moved and Mrs Crabtree seconded the following motion:
“That County Council is asked to consider and approve the updated Delegated Authority Matrix of Approval Limits (Scheme of Delegation).”
(2) The motion as set out in paragraph (1) was agreed without a formal vote.
(3) RESOLVED that the Delegated Authority Matrix of Approval Limits (Scheme of Delegation) as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.</AI8> <TRAILER_SECTION> </TITLED_COMMENT_LAYOUT_SECTION>