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No. | Item |
Notes of meeting held on 21 March 2023 PDF 215 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 21 March 2023 were correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman. |
Kent Community Safety Agreement Update PDF 228 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1.
Ms S Brinson (Community Safety Team Leader, KCC)
gave an overview of the eight priorities within the Community
Safety Agreement (CSA) and highlighted that the action plan has
been refreshed. The action plan includes the
key pieces of work that are being delivered by community safety
partners across the county linking in with other multi-agency
groups and strategies where possible and
includes projects being funded through the Police and Crime
Commissioners (PCC) Crime Reduction Grant. It is a living document
meaning that it can be updated and amended in-year should the need
arise. 2.
One priority within the CSA is tackling domestic
abuse and includes actions to deliver and coordinate Domestic
Homicide Reviews (DHRs) as well as the DHR lessons identified
seminars; improve the functionality of the Kent and Medway Domestic
Abuse Services website; and produce bitesize videos about the signs
of domestic abuse and safety planning. The other priorities are
Road Safety; Substance Misuse; Preventing Neighbourhood Crime and
Anti-Social Behaviour; Serious Violence and Organised Crime;
Safeguarding Vulnerable People; Preventing Extremism and Hate and
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) have had their actions
refreshed. There was also a miscellaneous category which includes
improving the strategic assessment process, producing videos from
training sessions, and delivering training on other aspects of the
KCSPs work. 3.
Mr S Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, KCC) added
that following comments from the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny
Committee last year, the action plan regarding safeguarding
vulnerable people was also being developed to include a focus on
scams. 4.
The Chair thanked officers for the comprehensive
report. 5.
A Partnership Member raised a concern regarding the
work of the Violence Reduction Unit and the governance aspect over
the specified authorities who cover the county, highlighted on page
five of the appendix. It was confirmed that the PCC had oversight
of the Violence Reduction Unit and the word governance could be
replaced with the word oversight. 6.
A Partnership Member commented that the substance
misuse priority needed to link in with partners who worked to
tackle these crimes, particularly regarding the issue of supply.
The Partnership Member asked if the safeguarding vulnerable people
priority could liaise with Kent Police regarding the Local Drug
Information System (LDIS). 7.
A Partnership Member noted that Kent was the only
PREVENT priority area in the Southeast of England, so PREVENT
needed to remain a priority for the KCSP and needed to work closely
with partners. 8. The Chair raised the issue of illegal vapes and asked if this would be included within the action plan. Ms Brinson confirmed that illegal vapes were being tackled from a trading standards and public health viewpoint, and the KCSP would continue to share information regarding the new duties surrounding illegal vapes. Ms Mookherjee (Public Health, KCC) added that illegal vaping was an emerging issue in public health and was being linked to the smoking cessation team. Mr Wilkinson (Assistant Director Contest and Serious Organised Crime, KCC) confirmed that illegal vaping also had the potential ... view the full minutes text for item 90. |
Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group Update PDF 333 KB Minutes: 1.
Mr Peerbux introduced the update and outlined the
projects that had been funded the previous financial year using PCC
grant funding. These included: the trauma awareness programme and
training pack which had delivered training to sixty professionals
over four sessions, including professionals who worked directly
with children and young people; a gaming and online awareness
session on extremism which was available to approximately 900
school pupils. A VAWG Conference had also been delivered on 28
March 2023 which had been a hybrid event for 250 people, including
many different agencies and partners. The event had included
speakers on forensic psychology, misogyny and incel culture, and
active bystanders and received positive feedback from delegates. A
resource pack had been provided for delegates after the conference
on the services available, and a video and PowerPoint had been
uploaded to the Safer Communities Portal. 2.
The KCSP has been allocated just under £40,000
from the PCC for the 2023/24 financial year to deliver projects, of
which one third was being retained for in-year project spending.
The Working Group had been presented with 15 scoping ideas, of
which they then had chosen to shortlist seven for detailed project
proposals. Six of these projects had since been approved by the
KCSP and the PCC including domestic abuse training videos, tackling
abusive behaviour, online library resources, tackling victim
blaming language and continued professional development (CPD) event
focused on hate and extremism and another focused on Anti-Social
Behaviour. 3.
The Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) held its first
Community Safety Information Session (CSIS) in the new shorter
format in June 2023, which outlined the new neighbourhood policing
structure in Kent and had 60 attendees. The next CSIS was being
held on 25 July 2023 with a focus on scams and dangerous
dogs. 4.
The Chair thanked the KCST for coordinating a
successful VAWG Conference, which had included many interesting
speakers and another member praised the market place which provided
information on services but also an opportunity for
networking. 5.
It was noted that there was decision outstanding
regarding funding for the online library joint project with the
Violence Reduction Unit (VRU). 6.
It was noted that the next KCSP conference would be
in February 2024 and a working group are exploring this
further. RESOLVED that the KCSP: 1. Noted the progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group and the work of the KCST. |
Kent Community Safety Partnership Terms of Reference Review PDF 295 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: 1.
Mr Peerbux provided his annual review of the Terms
of Reference (ToR) for the KCSP and its sub-groups. He highlighted
the government consultation on CSPs and explained that a response
to this consultation had been completed through the Chair, however,
there have been no updates since. 2.
It was noted that there were few changes to the
ToRs, mostly in relation to the membership to reflect the Clinical
Commissioning Groups changing to Integrated Care Boards (ICB). The
Serious Violence Duty and Domestic Abuse Act updates had also be
added to the Terms of Reference following changes to
legislation. 3.
It was noted that the KCSP Working Group was
currently without a Chair, and the DHR Steering Group was without a
Vice-Chair. Mr Peerbux encouraged nominations from the KCSP group
to these roles. RESOLVED that the KCSP: 1. Agreed the Terms of Reference for the KCSP and approved the Terms of Reference for the KCSPs two subgroups (KCSP Working Group and the DHR Steering Group). 2. Noted that the KCSP Working Group and the DHR Steering Group currently requires a Chair and a Vice-Chair respectively. 3. All KCSP member organisations shown in the Terms of Reference should ensure that they are signed up to the latest version of the Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement. 4. Noted that the Terms of Reference for the KCSP and its subgroups will be reviewed annually and included as an agenda item at least once a year. |
Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy Consultation PDF 609 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: 1.
Ms Agyepong (Assistant Director, Adult Social Care,
KCC) introduced the update. The new Domestic Abuse Strategy would
begin the consultation process on 24 July and would help to
strengthen partnership working and how local authorities responded
to domestic abuse situations, to ensure that victims of domestic
abuse received support quickly and with a holistic
approach. 2.
Ms Hunter-Whitehouse (Senior Project Officer for
Domestic Abuse, KCC) outlined the three key themes of the strategy
which were intervention and prevention; immediate needs; and
recovery; and the work that had been undertaken to develop these
themes and the subsequent outcomes and actions. The Domestic Abuse
Research team had conducted eleven interviews and fifty surveys
with victims to ensure direct experience was included in the
strategy. 3.
It was noted the consultation would run from 14 July
to 16 October to encourage as much feedback on the strategy as
possible. The consultation would be promoted through videos and
social media as well as more formal consultation methods and would
be available in easy-read version. 4.
The Chair questioned what would happen after the
consultation and how the strategy would be embedded. Ms
Hunter-Whitehouse confirmed that the strategy outlined 27
commitments which would be embedded through a detailed delivery
plan, alongside sub-groups who would help to take forward actions
and would include members of the KCSP. Ms Agyepong added that the
strategy would also link to partner agencies such as the PCC,
Department of Work and Pensions, and the Fire and Rescue
Service. 5.
A Partnership Member commented that it was good to
see both Adults Social Care and Children’s Social Care being
included in the strategy at the intervention and prevention
stage. 6.
The Chair asked for an update on the report be
presented to Committee once the consultation had concluded so KCSP
Members could discuss how the strategy would be embedded. 7.
A Partnership Member raised a concern as a
definition for prevention was not included within the strategy. A
concern was also raised regarding the clarity of who owned the
strategy and the governance structures that would surround it, in
accordance with legislation. RESOLVED that the KCSP: 1. Noted the development of the strategy. 2. Considered the progress made report. 3. Considered the draft executive summary, and draft strategy. |
Kent Police and Crime Commissioners response to Mental Health: Verbal Update Minutes: 1.
Mr Harper (Chief Executive Officer, Office of the
Police and Crime Commissioner) introduced the update and provided
an overview of the local and national mental health police
response. The number of S136 detentions undertaken by police in
Kent has been reducing year on year which has resulted in the
lowest figure since records began for 2022/23. This was now in line
with the national figure for S136 detentions. This positively
impacted the person suffering from a mental health crisis as it
meant they were being seen by the right person, and positively
impacted the police as they had more time to focus on other issues,
as well as giving more time to mental health specialists. The
mental health police team in Kent had introduced new working
practices such as an investigative process and consistent
partnership approach, which focussed on the right patient
intervention at the right time by the right partner. A new advice
line, staffed by partners, had also been introduced in Kent which
provided the police with direct clinical advice from professionals
and resulted in fewer S136 detentions. 2.
Mr Harper provided an update on the national mental
health policing picture, as approximately 20-40% of a police
officer’s time was spent on mental health incidents. There
were new mental health ambulances and increased mental health
infrastructure systems in place nationwide, which included
specialised S136 centres and new mental health cafes. There was
also a National Partnership Agreement which introduced the Right
Care, Right Person model across the country, although this was not
mandated. 3.
Superintendent Steenhuis (Kent Police) added that
the S136 partnership approach focussed on ensuring the right care
with the right partner, whether that be the police, KCC, or the
Integrated Care Board. There were numerous projects across Kent and
Medway including a new mental health safe haven in Medway, new
mental health ambulances, and increased access to crisis
care. 4.
It was noted that there would be an annual update on
Kent Police’s response to mental health, as well as ad-hoc
verbal updates when necessary. RESOLVED that the Kent Police and Crime Commissioners response to Mental Health: Verbal Update be noted. |
Neighbourhood Policing Restructure Update: Verbal Update Minutes: 1.
Superintendent Steenhuis (Kent
Police) introduced the update and explained
that the restructure had begun to be rolled out on 7 June 2023, and
this hoped to streamline processes and increase community
engagement through ward-based beat police officers. The new
restructure also included Child Centred Policing Team, a
Neighbourhood Task Force, a Rural Task Force, and Prevention Hubs.
50 ward-based police officers were now in post, with the rollout
expected to be complete in September 2024 at the latest through a
phased approach. 2.
The Chair raised a concern regarding the loss of
Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), who had been successful
at engaging with their communities and engaging with disadvantaged
children and young people. 3.
A Partnership Member echoed the Chair’s
comments and felt that PCSOs had provided good continuity in their
communities. A concern was raised regarding the new ward-based
police officers being redistributed outside of their communities.
Superintendent Steenhuis confirmed that a robust extraction policy
was being implemented to ensure that neighbourhood police officers
were last to be extracted for events or issues that occurred across
the borough. 4.
A Partnership Member raised a concern regarding the
definition of a ward, and if each ward in a district would receive
one ward-based police officer. Superintendent Steenhuis stated that
Kent Police had considered the volume of demand and level of harm
when determining how many ward-based police officers to deploy. For
example, one neighbourhood police officer might cover three to four
wards depending on the demand and level of harm in an area. A map
was available on the Kent Police website to show the area covered
by a neighbourhood police officer. 5.
Mr Peerbux highlighted that the KCC budget saving
proposals in February 2023 had agreed to reduce the Kent Community
Warden Service (KCWS) budget by £1million over two years,
which equated to almost half of the overall budget. A consultation
was being undertaken on the KCWS and the team would be looking to
retain support for elderly residents in the community and community
development projects. A community base would be retained, but the
team would need to consider where community wardens were deployed,
and relevant partners would be included in these
conversations. RESOLVED that the Neighbourhood Policing Restructure Update be noted. |
Response to the Serious Violence Duty PDF 383 KB Minutes: 1.
Mr M Powell introduced the report and provided a
brief summary of the new Act and how it related to specified
authorities. A new Serious Violence Prevention Partnership (SVPP)
had been established, which would be chaired by the Police and
Crime Commissioner, and they had already agreed the definition of
serious violence, including public place violence, and violence
linked to domestic and sexual abuse. 2.
It was noted that the Violence Reduction Unit was
focusing on young people aged 10-24, as they were
disproportionately involved in serious violence as either
perpetrators or victims, particularly regarding knife crime injury
and robbery. 3.
The SVPP Board had outlined their priorities which
were commissioning a strategic needs assessment; developing a data
sharing platform; and commissioning a report to understand
multiagency links to ensure no duplication of work. 4.
It was noted that the strategic needs assessment
would be completed in January and would then be presented to KCSP
Members. RESOLVED that the KCSP note the contents of the report and support the actions from the Serious Violence Prevention Partnership Board. |
Date of next meeting · 16 November 2023 · 14 March 2024 Minutes: RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the dates of the next meetings. |
Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Update Minutes: 1. Mr Peerbux provided an update on the Kent and Medway Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) cases as well as case briefings on the most recently published cases for Kitty and Leanne which can be found on the KCC website using the link below.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the update on the Domestic Homicide Reviews. |
Kent and Medway PREVENT Duty Delivery Board (PDDB) Update Minutes: 1.
Mr Wilkinson (Assistant Director Contest and Serious
Organised Crime, KCC) KCC) provided an update on the PREVENT Duty
Delivery Board. RESOLVED that the KCSP note the update on the PREVENT Duty Delivery Board. |