Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
Contact: Matt Dentten 03000 414534
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mrs Chandler proposed and Mr Smith seconded that Mrs Bell be elected as Chairman of the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board. RESOLVED that Mrs Bell be elected as Chairman of the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board.
Election of Vice Chairman Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mrs Bell proposed and Mr Gough seconded that Dr Bowes be elected as Vice Chairman of the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board. RESOLVED that Dr Bowes be elected as Vice Chairman of the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board. |
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the agenda for this meeting To receive any declarations of Interest by Members in items on the agenda for the meeting Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2021 PDF 193 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 16 September 2021 were an accurate record and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Director of Public Health Verbal Update Additional documents: Minutes: Sarah Leaver (Public Health Pharmacist, KCC) was in attendance for this item.
1. Dr Ghosh gave a verbal update. He addressed four key areas: Covid-19; Monkey Pox; development of the Kent Public Health Strategy; and the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). On Covid-19, he confirmed that the pillar 1 case rate was 70 per 100,000, down from 100 per 100,000 two weeks earlier, reassurance was given that hospital admissions and ventilation bed occupancy had also reduced. On Monkey Pox, he informed Members that the UK Health Security Agency was the national lead. He reassured the Board that cases of Monkey Pox were rare and that its viral infection was linked to travel to west Africa and spread by very close contact. Concerning severity and symptoms, he confirmed that most people recovered within weeks with common symptoms being unusual rashes; lesions on the body, face or genital area; fever; exhaustion; headaches; and swollen lymph nodes. He advised residents to contact NHS 111 or a sexual health clinic immediately and avoid personal and sexual contact with others, if they experience any symptoms. Regarding the Kent Public Health Strategy, which was in its initial development phase, he confirmed that the strategy would set priorities for the next 5 years, with the three development tenets being policy analysis, a covid impact assessment and community engagement. He set out his ambition for a greater integration of public health and social care data, as well as the development of Kent as a training hub for health and care professionals. Ms Leaver updated the Board on PNA development. She confirmed that Dr Ghosh had chaired the PNA steering group; that the public consultation would run for 60 days from 6 June; that responses from the preliminary public survey had influenced the draft PNA; that an equalities impact assessment was in development; and that the final draft would be circulated to local and neighbouring councils. The Board were reminded that the final PNA would be brought to its September meeting for approval.
2. In relation to the development of the Kent Public Health Strategy, Mr Gough emphasised the importance of hardwiring mutual development with the wider Integrated Health System. Dr Ghosh reassured the Board that wider healthcare partnership would inform strategy development.
3. Dr Bowes asked whether local partners had endorsed the strategy development approach. Dr Ghosh confirmed that support for the approach had been received from Kent district Chief Executives. He underlined that the strategy would be overarching and have further sub-strategies.
4. Following a further question from Dr Bowes, Dr Ghosh confirmed that, whilst there was no specific data collected on the impact of the pandemic on a child’s first 1000 days, the issue would fall within the scope of the future Kent Public Health Strategy. RESOLVED to note the update.
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2020-2021 PDF 276 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Andrew Rabey (Independent Chair, Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board) was in attendance for this item.
1. Mr Rabey gave a verbal overview of the annual report and updated Members on developments since publication. He confirmed that the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) had continued to deliver training with partners. The Board were informed that KMSAB had undertaken 8 Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs), which marked a considerable increase. He verified that quarterly engagement sessions had been held with practitioners, to ensure that review-led change had been implemented at service level. Regarding national developments, he confirmed that a SAR library had been established and allowed a broader understanding of national cases. He informed Members that the KMSAB Strategic Plan 2022-2025 was out for public consultation until 22 June, with the Plan’s three key themes being: person centred safeguarding; strengthening collaboration; and imbedding improvements.
2. Dr Bowes asked how safeguarding could be factored into the design of services and what the Health and Wellbeing Board could do to facilitate better outcomes. Mr Rabey recognised that collaboration and information sharing were existing barriers to improved outcomes, which the Health and Wellbeing Board could play a role in improving.
3. Mr Smith welcomed KMSAB’s systemwide approach to safeguarding. He noted that the safeguarding landscape had changed as a result of the pandemic and connected developments. He asked that KMSAB consider how it will hold the forthcoming Integrated Health System to account on safeguarding.
4. The Chair commented that there was more to be done to make safeguarding everyone’s business, through clear public guidance. Mr Rabey confirmed that the KMSAB website was the main resource for guidance, in addition to monthly newsletters which were circulated to 300 voluntary and community sector organisations across Kent. He recognised that there was scope for additional training and information sharing sessions. RESOLVED to endorse the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report, 2020-2021.
Financial Hardship Programme - Health and Wellbeing impact PDF 326 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Lucy Alesbrook (Financial Hardship Programme Manager, KCC) and Tim Woolmer (Policy and Partnerships Adviser, KCC) were in attendance for this item.
1. Mr Gough introduced the report and explained that the Programme had been formed as an immediate response to a combination of crises, using £10m of the Covid Emergency Grant funding. He emphasised the importance of developing long term resilience beyond the Programme’s life cycle, in order to sustain Health and Wellbeing improvements.
2. Ms Alesbrook gave a presentation on the Helping Hands Financial Hardship Programme.Topics covered included: fuel and water support schemes; debt advice and underwritten loan schemes; digital inclusion and Digital Kent; data sharing;ReferKent; free school meals; and Healthy Start vouchers.
3. In addition to the Helping Hands Financial Hardship Programme, Mrs Chandler reminded the Board of KCC’s Reconnect Programme, with its core components including: free digital education and equipment; subsidised leisure activities; mentoring and counselling support. She addressed concerning trends, which included notable increases in referrals for young children and speech and language referrals in particular. She recognised the interlinked relationship with the Helping Hands Programme and joined up approach to improving health and wellbeing.
4. Cllr Hollingsbee noted the positive impact of the data sharing work stream on district-county partnership working during the pandemic. RESOLVED to endorse the projects within the Financial Hardship Programme.
Supporting Neuro Divergent Young People with Complex Needs - Presentation Additional documents: Minutes: Emma Hanson (Senior Commissioning Manager, KCC), Clare Buck (Commissioner for Learning Disability and Autism, KM CCG) and Christine Jackson-Hayward (Designated Key Worker & Complex Neurodiverse CYP Programme Lead, KCC) were in attendance for this item.
1. Ms Hanson, Ms Buck and Ms Jackson-Hayward gave a presentation on the three-pillar approach to Supporting Neuro Divergent Young People with Complex Needs. Topics covered included: care, education and treatment reviews; Designated Key Workers; the impact of new ways of working; and programme feedback.
2. In response to a question from Mr Smith on how the three-pillar approach would ensure that residents had meaningful lives and long-term support into adulthood, Ms Hanson confirmed that support had been extended to 18. Ms Buck informed the Board that transition coordinators ensured that those supported long term would have a smooth transition between children’s and adult’s services.
3. The Chairman emphasised the importance of linking the value of prevention to financial and health and wellbeing benefits. RESOLVED to note the contents of the presentation.