Agenda and draft minutes

Budget Meeting, County Council - Thursday, 13th February, 2025 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Joel Cook - Democratic Services Manager  03000 416892


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


The Democratic Services Manager reported apologies from Mr Paul Barrington-King, Mr Conrad Broadley, Mr Tom Cannon, Mr Nigel Collor, Mr Derek Crow-Brown, Mrs Trudy Dean, MBE, Ms Jenni Hawkins, Mrs Sarah Hudson, Mr Jeremy Kite, MBE, Mr Thomas Mallon, Mrs Margot McArthur, Mr James McInroy, Mr Mike Sole, Ms Lottie Parfitt and Mr Charlie Simkins.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda

Additional documents:


(1)      The General Counsel advised that Members’ Register of Interests detailed their main declarations and it was not necessary to declare any of those at the meeting. However, Members may wish to declare any specific interest in relation to the agenda.


(2)     Ms Meade declared an interest that she was a carer.


(3)     Miss Carey declared a pecuniary interest that she was a Trustee of the Turner Contemporary and would leave the Chamber during any relevant discussions.


Minutes of the meetings held on 19 December 2024 and 9 January 2025 and, if in order, to be approved as a correct record pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 19 December 2024 and 9 January 2025 be approved as a correct record.


Chairman's Announcements

Additional documents:


With the deepest regret the Chairman advised Members of the sad passing of Mr Matthew Balfour and said tributes would be heard at the March County Council meeting.


Section 25 Report pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Additional documents:


Mr John Betts, Interim Corporate Director Finance, was in attendance for this item.


(1)     Mr John Betts, Interim Corporate Director Finance, as the Section 151 Officer, provided an overview of the Section 25 Assurance Statement. He said there were considerable risks facing the authority in delivering a balanced budget due to a number of factors including the current economic environment, the single year finance settlement for local government, the scale of savings required, and the growing demands on core statutory services. He said all the budget resolutions had undergone extensive scrutiny and reminded Members that the Section 25 Assurance Statement covered the Administration’s proposed budget and all the amendments. He noted that the total of all the revenue amendments for 2025/2026 amounted to 0.4% of the overall budget. Mr Betts explained that provided all the measures set out in the draft budget and the medium term plan were implemented, including the delivery of savings, managing growth, minimising borrowing, and maximising council tax increases and precepts, the Council would continue to demonstrate financial sustainability over the medium term. The assessment was that the overall budget estimates were robust and the levels of reserves were adequate.


(2)     Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Gough seconded the motion that:


“Pursuant to section 25 of the Local Government Act, County Council is asked to consider and note this report and agree to have due regard to the contents when making decisions about the proposed budget.”


(3)     The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 2 to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (57)


Mr Baker, Mr Baldock, Mr Bartlett, Mr Beaney, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Bond, Mr Booth, Mr Brady, Mr Brazier, Mr Campkin, Miss Carey, Sir Paul Carter, CBE, Mrs Chandler, Mr Chard, Mr Chittenden, Mr Cole, Mr Cooper, Ms Constantine, Mr Cooke, Mr Dance, Ms Dawkins, Mr Dendor, Mrs Game, Mr Gough, Ms Grehan, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hill, OBE, Mrs Hohler, Mr Holden, Mr Hood, Mr Hook, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kennedy, Mr Lehmann, Mr Love, OBE, Mr Marsh, Mr Meade, Ms Meade, Mr Murphy, Mr Oakford, Mr Ozog, Mr Passmore, Mrs Prendergast, Mr Rayner, Mr Ridgers, Mr Robey, Mr Sandhu, MBE, Mr Shonk, Mr Stepto, Mr Streatfeild, MBE, Mr Thomas, Mr Watkins, Mr Webb, Mr Whiting, Mr Wright, Ms Wright


Against (0)


Abstain (2)


Mr B Lewis, Mr D Ross

Motion carried.


(4)     RESOLVED that pursuant to section 25 of the Local Government Act, County Council noted the report and agreed to have due regard to the contents when making decisions about the proposed budget.




Capital Programme 2025-35 and Revenue Budget 2025-26 (including Council Tax Setting 2025/26) pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


(1)     The Chairman reminded Members that any Member of a Local Authority who was liable to pay Council Tax, and who had any unpaid Council Tax amount overdue for at least two months, even if there was an arrangement to pay off the arrears, must declare the fact that they are in arrears and must not cast their vote on anything related to KCC’s Budget or Council Tax.


(2)     The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the Section 25 Assurance Statement, as considered under the previous item, reminding them of the agreement by Council to give it due regard while considering the Budget.


(3)     The Chairman explained that a document setting out the procedure for the meeting and the proposed amendments to the draft budget were circulated to Members prior to the meeting. 


(4)     Mr Oakford proposed and Mr Gough Seconded the following motion:


“County Council, having given due regard to the s25 Report (published for consideration as agenda item 5 of this meeting), is asked to agree the following:


2025-35 Capital Programme

(a)     The 10-year Capital programme and investment proposals of £1,419m over the years from 2025-26 to 2034-35 together with the necessary funding and subject to approval to spend arrangements.

(b)     The directorate capital programmes as set out in appendices A & B of the final draft budget report published on 5th February 2025.


2025-26 Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan

(c)     The net revenue budget requirement of £1,530.9m for 2025-26.

(d)     The directorate revenue budget proposals for 2025-26 and the medium term financial plan as set out in appendices D (high level county 3 year plan) E (high level 2025-26 plan by directorate), appendix F (individual spending, savings, income and reserves variations for 2025-26) and G (2025-26 key services) of the final draft budget report published on 5th February 2025.


2025-26 Council Tax

(e)     To increase Council Tax band rates up to the maximum permitted without a referendum as set out in section 6.4 (table 6.1) of the final draft report published on 5th February 2025.

(f)      The total Council Tax requirement of £994,287,655 to be raised through precepts on districts as set out in section 6.6 (table 6.2) in the final draft report published on 5th February 2025.


Kent Pay Scheme 2025-26

(g)     Note the transition of all Kent Scheme staff to the new pay structure agreed by County Council in May 2024

(h)     Agree to the recommendations on the uplift to Kent Pay Scheme as set out in section 7.9 of the final draft budget published on 5th February 2025


Key Policies and Strategies

(i)      Fees and charges to continue to be reviewed in line with the policy agreed in the 2023-24 budget approval

(j)      The Capital Strategy as set out in appendix O of the final draft report published on 5th February 2025 including the Prudential Indicators.

(k)     The Treasury Management Strategy as set out in appendix M of the final draft report published on 5th February 2025

(l)      The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 291.